
There are many ways to water your trees and plants: wait for rain, using a hose, but the most fun (and accurate) is to use buckets! Sure they're heavy and water sloshes out all the time, but look at those smiles!

The Bucket Watering Method - For Trees in a Grove

Why the bucket method?


Ask your caretaker to save 5-gallon empty containers from cleaning products. Be sure to clean them thoroughly before you use them. You will need one 5-gallon pail for each tree. Ask your caretaker or a parent volunteer to drill two ¼” holes in the bottom of the pails to allow slow flow.


* An alternate method:

If possible, start with 20 buckets for 10 trees. Place 2 buckets on opposite sides of each tree. Fill each bucket. When you have finished filling the last bucket, return to the first tree and move both buckets one quarter of the way around the tree and fill with water again. As you move through the cycle you will fill each of the buckets twice.