Active, Safe, and Sustainable Transportation

Transportation has an impact on the environment, our health, the economy, and society. Cars use mostly non-renewable fuels and emit greenhouse gasses and air pollutants. Public transit vehicles and school buses are better alternatives as they use less fossil fuel to get more people around.

The most sustainable form of transportation occurs when we use our “fuel”, the kinetic energy of moving our bodies, to travel. It’s healthier for both the Earth and us.

School Crossing Safety Programs

The following opportunities, aimed at assisting students with safe road crossings, are available through the Toronto Police Service.

School Travel Planning

School Travel Planning is a process designed to help school communities address safety and transportation issues in their area. Drawing in students, staff, teachers, parents, and community members to create a School Travel Action Plan can help to encourage staff and students to travel to and from school in a safe and active way. 

Below are a few actions you can take to get started:

For complete Schools Travel Planning in a step-by-step guide

Public Transit Safety Tips

Visitors and residents of Toronto are fortunate to have access to a wide variety of public transit options. Relying on public transit, rather than single-occupancy vehicles, helps to curb traffic congestion, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the city.

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) offers the following public transit safety tips:

Bus and streetcar safety

Subway Platform and Train Safety

Walking Tips

Walking as a form of transportation is good for the environment, can help us become more connected to our communities, provides an opportunity to socialize with friends and family, and studies have shown that active kids are better prepared to learn. When out walking, it is important to be a responsible and prepared pedestrian. 

The following are some walking tips from Toronto Public Health: