Silver Birch

What is Silver Birch?

Silver Birch is an amazing program from the Ontario Library Association. Each year, ten Canadian books are nominated for the Silver Birch Award and students get to vote for the winner.

At Brock, students in grades 4-6 are invited to join the Silver Birch (Fiction) Club. In previous years, we would meet once a week at lunch. Students would listen to a read aloud of one of the books and then spend the rest of the time reading on their own or spending time with other members of the club.

This year due to restrictions, we are all connecting through a special Forest of Reading Google Classroom. Students are earning points by completing tasks such as adding leaves to our Forest of Reading trees and completing questions on shared Slides.

Students need to read at least 5 of the nominated books to vote for their favourite at the end of April. Then, we will find out who has been chosen as the winner!

Click the logo for a list of the 2022 Silver Birch Fiction Nominees!