Why "Read What You Like"?

We wholeheartedly support students (and adults) reading what they like in the library. This is what builds a love of reading. Reading should not be a chore but rather a fun activity to do by oneself or with loved ones. We have lots of great books in our catalogue.

We will not tell students what they can and cannot read (bearing in mind age appropriateness) when the purpose is pleasure reading. Families are responsible for having conversations with their child if there are certain books they don't want them to bring home. We welcome you to drop by the library (pending safety protocols) or write a short note if you would like support after you have had these conversations. Students are instructed to follow their family's rules and wishes when choosing books. We will always do our best to show your child lots of great choices.

Advanced middle grade/young adult (red dot) books are for grade 6-8 students due to mature content and interest level. However, if your child is in grade 5 or lower and you are ok with them checking out these books, please send in a short note stating this. Thank you!

Further Reading

Here are some wonderful articles that support student choice in reading. Just like there are different purposes for writing, there are different purposes for reading. Reading for pleasure is just as important as reading for information. It builds empathy and an understanding of the world and the people in it.

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading, and daydreaming

A New Assignment: Pick Books You Like "If the goal is, how do you make kids lifelong readers, then it seems to me that there's a lot to be said for the choice approach."

The Benefits of Reading for Pleasure "Data from major longitudinal studies show that pleasure reading in youth is the most explanatory factor of both cognitive progress and social mobility over time (e.g., Sullivan & Brown, 2013 [PDF]; Guthrie, et al, 2001; and Kirsch, et al, 2002 [PDF]). "

Wondering how to raise a NON-READER? This Unlucky Arithmetic will show you how!

Finding Just Right Books

The Five Finger Rule and I Pick strategies are also great to help students choose books that are "just right" for them.