Book Fairs

Book Fairs are always an exciting time at Brock. There is usually one in November and another in February. Students really take ownership at the Fair by ensuring that it runs smoothly. Grade 5-8 students are welcome to apply to be a Book Fair Helper. Students develop their responsibility and teamwork skills by setting up, helping students find books, tidying, acting as "security" and door greeters, being cashiers, cleaning up, and more. We could not run these Fairs without our amazing student helpers!

We always ensure that each classroom receives as least one new book. We also buy at least a box (sometimes two) of books from the Fair to be added to the library collection so all students may check them out. Recently, some Book Fair books have been used for our annual Days of Giveaways in December where students may enter a raffle to win a book to take home.

Please note: Families choose to engage with the Fair in different ways. Some send money with their child to school (with clear expectations about how they should handle that money), some prefer to attend with their child, and some choose not to attend at all. All are valid choices. Families appreciate being able to support the school directly or indirectly via purchases or moral support of the Fair.