Reading Tips

Making the Most Out of Reading Time

  • Read anywhere and everywhere!

  • Read aloud to each other during your daily routines- washing the dishes, getting dinner ready, clearing the table, before bed, waiting for an appointment, etc.

  • Look at the pictures together and predict what the book will be about.

  • Have your child repeat after you as you read.

  • Point out the direction of text.

  • Go on a letter/word hunt.

  • Talk about what happened in the book (beginning, middle, and end) or your child’s favourite part.

  • Tell your child what you're reading and take an interest in what they're reading. Have discussions about plots, characters, etc. and why you each chose the books you did. When you "read what you like" what do you pick?

  • Make connections to self, other books, and the world.

  • Encourage your child to choose what they'd like to read with you. Reading the same book over and over is ok!

  • Graphic novels are great books to read. They have wonderful plots, developed characters, and are often the books that can kickstart a love of reading. Talk with your child about the importance of looking at the pictures closely to determine what is going on. Sometimes graphic novels require more concentration to fully understand than a traditional novel!

  • Just have fun reading! :)