Blue Spruce

What is Blue Spruce?

Blue Spruce is an amazing program from the Ontario Library Association. Each year, ten Canadian books are nominated for the Blue Spruce Award.

At Brock, all students in kindergarten to grade 3 participate with their classes. Students need to read all ten books to vote. They love listening to the books and deciding which one is their favourite!

Classes also have the option to use a passport for students to keep track of their thoughts/ratings for each book. This helps them choose their favourite. The passports also have activities related to each book. Once voting is over, they are a nice way for students to look back on their Blue Spruce journey!

In 2022, Blue Spruce will run from March 1-April 20. Voting will take place during library periods April 21-27.

Click the logo for a list of the 2022 Blue Spruce nominees!