
Luna welcome

Please join our Virtual Blake Talent Show!

Where: Online, on Flipgrid (watch the instruction video on how to post on

Email me at for our Flipgrid code (it's on class drives which are private)

Only people from our Blake community can watch your videos with our code.

When: Upload your video any time in June from June 1-14.

Then Ms Paton and Ms. Psarologos will then watch and “release” your videos on June15 so that Blake students can enjoy them.

Who: You may post videos of yourself, your stuffie, your family, as part of your act. For example, if you don’t want to be in the video, just have your stuffie talk.

What: EVERYBODY has something interesting that they can share. We have seen so many creative and amazing things in the past. Some ideas are:

  • Tell jokes

  • Tell a funny/ interesting/scary story about something that happened to you

  • Read a poem or story

  • Teach a few words in a different language

  • Perform a magic trick

  • Show a picture you drew

  • Show a lego structure you made

  • Sing

  • Play an instrument

  • Act something out

  • Do a gymnastic trick or routine

  • Show your soccer/ basketball / sport skills

  • Perform a martial arts routine

  • Burp the alphabet while folding origami (yes, someone did this in the past)

  • Perform a dance routine

  • Perform a body percussion routine

  • Share something you did as a school assignment that you’re proud of

  • Skateboard tricks

  • Teach a dance move

We can’t wait to see your videos!! Remember to post them by June 14.

WEEK #8: Nuit Blake

This week’s theme is CREATING AT HOME in honour of the school’s Nuit Blake theme.

Think of something that you, or you and your family do around music. You might:

  • Sing a song (in English or in another language)

  • Tell others about an instrument, song, or musical tradition

  • Perform a song by playing instruments

  • Anything you want!

You may share this in any of the following ways:

  • send me a message telling me what you did and what went well / what you could change

  • record it on your computer/phone and share it with me through the assignment page, or through my email

  • share it with the entire school through our own Flipgrid page. Flipgrid is really helpful because we can see each other’s work, and I’m thinking of using it for the Blake virtual talent show in a few weeks. Watch the following video about how to use it:

The Flipgrid link is: 4fa7fff5

Just know that if you share it through Flipgrid, everyone in our school community can view and admire your work. Some people love to show their work, but others prefer to keep it to themselves, so please do whatever you prefer.

Please submit your entry to Flipgrid by Friday, May 29 if you want it to be shared with everyone.

WEEK #7: Gridview Games, Dynamics Review

(May 18-24)

I’ve enjoyed joining many of your class meetings for a music session. If you upload the “google gridview” (, it’s more fun to watch because then you can see everybody moving together.

Please do as many of the activities below that you can. You can email me at with your responses, or respond within the assignment.

1. Watch this from Olaf because it has a message that I think many of us can connect to.

What’s the message? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. I will be dropping into more classe meetings as much as possible, and next time, I’m thinking about using “Choco-la-te,” “Obwisana”, and “Piano Fortissimo” so please watch the following videos to refresh your memory: Choco la te (Spanish game) Obwisana (from Ghana) Dynamics: Piano Fortissimo Dynamics movements

YOUR CHALLENGE: Participate in the online class song when I drop in.

Send me an email at or through the link on your assignment to tell me how you would change one of the activities / movements, or suggest a different movement song for next week to do in gridview with the class.

3. Many of you have shared fantastic videos of you playing songs or rhythms. If you feel like playing another invented instrument to a famous song:

Watch the following link of Brendon Urie joining Jimmy and The Roots to perform a social-distancing remix of Queen and David Bowie's hit "Under Pressure" with instruments found at home while in quarantine

YOUR CHALLENGE: Choose one of the parts you see in the gridview (tapping the table, pounding on the table, tapping glasses, invented drum, singing, etc) and watch it again, singing along. If you want, send me a video of you playing along, or a message telling me which part you chose and describe the rhythm.

Try to convince someone else at home to help you and play a different rhythm with you.

Online Music Classes - Week 6: Pitch and Melody (1-3)

Remember: The Melody of a piece is the rhythm and pitch working together to create a tune, or a musical line of notes.

Choose ONE of the following options. Please email your response to:

1. If you feel like drawing the melody to a piece of music:

We can hear a melody, but we can also see it when we make a melody map with our hands (like we did in class), or we can watch a line showing the way the melody moves:

  1. Watch the following: Line Rider: "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg

  1. CHALLENGE: Listen to the following song: by Ravel, called “Bolero”.

  1. THEN draw your own melody line to show the way the melody goes. You can add different lines to represent different instruments, and think of ways to show how loud or soft the song is. Do NOT draw a picture of a scene that you imagine when you hear this song. You should draw a melody line, or dots, to show the way the sounds go. Take a photo of your picture, and email it to me at liz.paton@tdsb.on,ca

2. If you feel like creating an instrument using drinking glasses and a spoon, and then figuring out how to play a melody:

Fill three water glasses with different amounts of water.

GENTLY tap the side of the glass with a spoon and line up the glasses from low to highest pitch.

Which glass makes the highest sound? Is it the glass with the most water, or the least water? ___________________________

Which glass makes the lowest sound? Is it the glass with the most water, or the least water?____________________________

Now listen to the following melody for “Hot Cross Buns”:


Try to play“Hot Cross Buns” on your glasses of water. If you can, record it and send me a video. You can email it to

Music Week #5 (May 4-10, 2020): Music is Everywhere! Music Monday, Do Re Mi, Star Wars, and Cinco de Mayo

Choose ONE of the following options. Please email your response to:

Option #1:If you feel like Singing and Reviewing Do Re Mi:

Watch the following videos to remind you some of the things we learned this year about do re mi

1. Sing along with this: Do a Deer

2. Watch these videos. Sing along and do the hand signs. music teacher Solfa challenge


(login: snow password: 2020)

click on “Match the Melody” at the right of the screen and try the game (Grades 1-3 this is like the melody maps we do with our hands, Grade 4-6 this is reading notation).

4. Write me a note telling me how you liked the game. If you can, send me a video of you singing Do Re Mi with hand signs. See if you can go all the way up and down the scale (like we used to in class).

Option #2: If you feel like playing a percussion instrument to a song

If you feel like playing along with “La Bamba” (I chose this song in honour of Cinco de Mayo this week, which is usually celebrated in the US, and celebrates Mexican culture),

  1. Watch the following video containing the song “La Bamba.” “La Bamba” is a dance, and the song is in Spanish. It’s about the way you need some patience and grace to dance.

  1. Choose an instrument section in the video (shaker or drum at 1:10) and play along to the part of the video that has 4 parts (tap the table, shake the pasta container, play the keyboard, sing whatever you want). Then choose a different part and repeat.

  2. Have someone videotape you playing along to one of the rhythms while you play this video. OR email me a sentence telling me which section you enjoyed playing the most and why (drum, shaker, keyboard or voice).

Option #3 If you feel like Responding to Music and “Star Wars” day

Monday was “May the Fourth.” Some people like to joke that it’s “Star Wars” day because saying “May the Fourth sounds a bit like a phrase they say in the movies, “May the FORCE be with you.”

  1. Sing along with these warm ups. Make your voice move with the curve of the lines (like we used to do with the slide whistle)

  1. Watch this explanation of instrument families.

  1. Watch John Williams (the composer) conducting “The Imperial March” from Star Wars

  1. Write me a note telling me:

  • Which instrument from the orchestra would you be interested in learning to play and why?

  • How does the “Imperial March” make you feel? What is the mood of this piece? Why? Describe the song using musical words (beat / tempo / instruments / speed / dynamics etc.)


  • Draw me a picture of what this music reminds you of. You could imagine a scene associated with this music, or draw the notes.

For fun...if you want more Star Wars performances...

Watch The Piano Guys’ Cello Wars:

Option #4: If you feel like Reflecting on “Music Monday” that people across Canada participated in this week :

On Monday, May 4, thousands of children, youth, teachers, families and community members across Canada celebrated "Music Monday" from home to raise awareness about the importance of music education. Each year, people celebrate Music Monday with events from coast to coast, and participate in the collective singing of the Music Monday Anthem, an original song written by a Canadian artist. The 2020 anthem is the song “Hymn to Freedom,” by Oscar Peterson and Hariette Hamilton, in a new English and French translation.

Your assignment:

  1. Watch the following anthem called "Hymn to Freedom" . This song has a message of unity and equality, and it was the anthem of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.

  1. An anthem is a song that expresses an uplifting, hopeful message for a group of people. Write me a note telling me what song would you choose to be the Blake anthem for this year? Explain why you think that song is a good choice. It can be ANY song - one that we learned together, a popular song, or one that you know personally.

  1. Watch this video made by students on Music Monday.

Write me a sentence telling me why musical education is important to you.

“Music is important to me because…..”

Week 4 (April 27-May 3):

Musical Reflecting, Responding and Analysing

Thank you, everybody, for your thoughtful and creative responses to last week’s musical challenges. I hope you are having fun working on them. For this week, choose one option below and send me a quick email (

First, watch this for a little inspiration - watch The Piano Guys playing “It’s Gonna Be Okay”

Option #1: Exploring Cultural Context: If you feel like sharing your own experiences:

Many people have celebrated special days in the past 2 months. If you have recognized a special day (such as St. Patrick’s Day, the beginning of spring, Passover, Easter, Earth Day, Ramadan, a birthday, etc.), tell me:

  • what your celebration was

  • why it is meaningful to you

  • how music was used in the celebration, or how it could be used

Option #2: Reflecting, Responding and Analysing: If you feel like listening to a story, reflecting on rhythms, and learning about a tricky word called "onomatopoeia"

1. The fancy word meaning that means “sound effect words” is: onomatopoeia Watch this video that describes these words that sound like the sounds they represent. What’s That? Song

You can watch this video too, (but it’s a bit silly). Onomatopoeia alphabet

2. Watch this very talented teacher reading a story called “Max Found Two Sticks.” Then watch her review the ta/titi/rest rhythms we learned last term, and play along with them at home. Max Lesson

3. Your challenge: Send me a message, photo or video, telling me:

  • Three sound effect/onomatopoeia words

  • How you played along, or created your own 4 -beat ta/titi/rest rhythm using toys OR writing (like the teacher in the video did)

Week #3: Playing With Music (April 20-26)

Week #3’s challenge is to play with music by looking at one (or all of) the links below. If you have time, you can email me a message, telling me:

  1. what you liked about the activity, and

  2. what you would change about the activity/ creation.

For example:

Dear Ms. Paton,

This week I watched the videos from Option #2 with musicians singing. I liked the way….. And I would love to see……

From, Me.

So….choose ONE musical adventure and please let me know what you think. You can send me a video if you’d like.


Ms. Paton

Option #1: If you feel like playing with a music computer game

Click on this link and explore the site for 5-10 minutes. Don’t worry about “right” or “wrong” - just try things out. Make sure you look at the “Rhythm” and “Kandinsky” sections (they’re my favourite at the moment). In the “Rhythm” activity, create by clicking on the dots at the bottom of the screen and then press the “play” triangle to hear it.

Option #2:If you feel like watching inspirational singing videos

The first video is of female doctors in Toronto singing a song about hope, and the second link is of musicians connecting around the world (before social distancing) Click on these links. Watch the songs and tell me how they made you feel. We Rise Again Lean on Me

Option #3: If you feel like making more invented instruments

Watch the following links. Then look around your home and see if anything inspires you and try to create a short rhythm - without making a mess or using anything sharp!! (Don’t copy the books on the floor part!!) Tell me what your favourite part of the videos were or send me a video of yourself playing something. Music For One Apartment Kitchen Music Soda Can song

Option #4: If you feel like writing your own song

Watch the following video that many classes watched in January. Then change the words to write your OWN song, following the melody in the chorus and send me the words or a video. You can change your subject to describe someone in your home’s job, or the way you spend your own day, or anything you want. Remember: we wrote verses to "Lundi Jour de Lavage" as a class in the winter. Log Driver’s Waltz

Original chorus:

For he goes burling down a down white water,

That’s where the log driver learns to step lightly,

He’s burling down a down white water,

A log driver’s waltz pleases all completely.

My example: (changing the lyrics to describe my dog)

For she naps and naps and naps and naps

That’s how my puppy spends her days

She naps and naps and naps and naps

She goes from one nap to another one.

WEEK #2: (April 13-19): Instruments at Home Using Body Percussion and Instruments you Create.

I hope you're doing well. If you'd like to see some interesting and inspiring things, check the following links out Please send me your videos or tell me about your favourite link. I look forward to hearing about your invented instruments using things you find at home. Just because you don’t have instruments, doesn’t mean you can’t make music (as you know)! You can make music with your voice, with body percussion (stomp/pat legs/clap,snap fingers/ hit chest etc.), and with invented instruments. This week’s music is about creating music using what you have, and repurposing everyday items.

Ms. Paton

1. Watch the following video with some amazing body percussion. Try to follow along to the beat, or choose one tricky sequence and learn it. Body percussion Somos Tarambe Body Percussion “The Percussion Show”

2. Try this clapping game: watch the second half for instructions Break it Down Clapping game

3. Now find 2 pencils, or chopsticks, or use your fingers as drumsticks. It’s Earth Day coming up, so think about recycling something in your home to make an instrument. You can tap a table or an empty box, or container. Watch the following videos and follow along for “bucket” drumming (make sure you don’t disturb people around you!) Bucket Drum with Cha Cha Slide Bucket Drum Uptown Funk with notation Jeugos de Ritmo sticks - pick a section (sticks OR drum OR cowbell) and play along * challenging! Bucket drum beats - reading notation DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME - paint drumming… very interesting….

WEEK 2 CHALLENGE: If you’re feeling inspired… Make up an 8 beat rhythm using body percussion or an improvised drum.

You can use ta = stamp


tikatika = snap fingers

Write it out and practice. Then have someone videotape you performing and send it to me!

Music Classes from A Distance - Week 1

I look forward to singing, playing and creating music with you again. In the meantime, here are some things you can look at that I think are interesting. Choose what interests you (you don’t have to do them all!). Please send me a note ( or video to let me know:

  • what you enjoyed,

  • how you interpreted it,

  • how you are bringing music into your days

  • what you want to work on more,

  • your ideas on how to build on my suggestions

1. If you feel like singing….

Warm Ups (Grade 1-6): Follow along Do Re Mi challenge * tricky

Sing Along:

Grade 1-3 Three Little Birds My Favourite Things (please email me some of YOUR favourite things and we can write them as our own song) When We’re Together (Frozen 2) Let It Go (in French) Disco en Francais Lundi Jour de Lavage

2. If You Feel Like Playing Music Games and Working on your Understanding:

Check out MusicPlay online (K-6):

MusicPlay has many grade appropriate songs and activities, and instruction for instruments and games - free membership during this time

student login: snow

password: 2020

Look under the Grade appropriate “Online Learning” tab for activities.

3. If you feel like playing hand clap games:

Hand Clap Games to Play at Home: Omochio Miss Mary Mack Chocolate Bim Bum * new and tricky

4. If you want to play with invented instruments:

pick a part and join in! Che Che Koolay

5. If you want to be inspired, watch this:

TSO "musical hug"

Combining Sign Language with Hip Hop