
Here are some comptines that we have learned since the beginning of the year. We will add a few comptines every week, focusing on reviewing sounds they have learned. The comptines are also in the Friday Blasts we have sent this year.

Here are some great activities that your child can do to master the comptines:

  • Read a comptine using a timer. How long does it take to read it all the way through with no mistakes? Can they read it 3 seconds faster? 3 seconds slower?

  • Record the comptine and send it to Mme Burke ( and/or Mme Laanvere (

  • Write the comptine in a journal and draw it.

  • Draw the beginning/middle/end of the comptine.

  • Underline in different colours the different sounds they can find and email it to Mme Burke or Mme Laanvere.

  • Can they switch out words in the comptine and put in new french words that make sense?

This comptine introduced students to reading and writing the son /e/ using the letters eu (complex sound /eu/). We also used this comptine to explore retelling, through illustrations, the beginning, middle and end of a story.

This comptine is called Alain. Students worked at identifying the many letter combinations that make the sound /in/ in the comptine, including ain, in, im, i+en,