

Here is the link to all Prix Peuplier Nominee Author Visits:


This week's author is Juliana Léveillé-Trudel, author of Comment attraper un ours qui aime lire. Click on book name link to take part!

Prix Peuplier Author virtual visit. Here is a link to a virtual visit. This is a half hour video of an author explaining how she goes about writing, the process, her books etc. It is all in French and may interest some students who are curious about how an author comes up with an idea and writes it! We normally watch these in the library at lunch and students can choose to watch or not, so this is optional but a great half hour French video from a Toronto-based author!

This week it is the author of Tellement Sauvage, a book we read together in class:

In the context of our French as a Second Language learning, learning virtually will be a challenge. We are up for this challenge and will adjust our instruction as needed. We will use videos, online reading programs (Raz Kids and Epic) and various digital tools to connect with students regularly. We do not expect that you can help your child with French, other than provide opportunities for them to view our videos and engage in the learning we provide. You may ask: What can we do then? Continue to speak, read and write in your home language, as this will help your child develop a love for language (oral, reading and/or writing) which is a beautiful thing! Click on the Language links on the right for resources.

Reading resources: Reading

Writing resources: Writing

Listening resources: Listening

Comptines: Comptines