Welcome to the TCEA Remote Learning support site. Remote learning and teaching can be tough for people getting started. Come along as we share a few ways you can avoid injury, and make it more fun!

Free Membership

There is no better time to become a member. (It’s free!)

To help support everyone during this time (and beyond), we are now offering free, one-year membership in TCEA.

The free membership will be available Monday, March 30, 2020 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Central and running through Friday, May 8.

TCEA is here to help you. Connecting people, demonstrating how to best to use technology for digital learning, providing ideas on how to support those working remotely, coaching teachers to feel more comfortable with these changes, all of it is exactly what we do — and have done for 40 years.

To help support everyone during this time (and beyond), TCEA today is offering free, one-year membership in the organization.

Read this blog entry

Get Connected

Don't be afraid to connect to the TCEA Community and start learning. More important than resources, we'll answer any questions you have.
