2018 Innovative Learning Strategies

Quick Access: http://ly.tcea.org/peggyils

About The Conference

Innovation and technology in education keep learning relevant and engaging in a fast-changing digital world. But with so many new gadgets and trends in ed tech, how do you know what technologies and strategies will provide the most curriculum support and have the most lasting impact on student learning? Which ones will work best for your students to ensure maximum learning and retention?

Sessions will share the best teaching practices, research-based strategies, and innovative technology trends.

Entrepreneurial Students

Session Description: Discover how to empower students to be entrepreneurs. You’ll be amazed at how your students can deepen their understanding of many content areas as they employ the strategies and ideas used by successful entrepreneurs around the world. You’ll leave with ideas of and activities that can be easily incorporated in your school.

ILS Entrepreneurial Students

Yes, Add that Robot to your STEM/STEAM

Session Description: How do we approach STEM education and other related initiatives that are on the rise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics? Make a greater impact on students’ development of now-vital tech skills with robotics. It is a must for any STEM classroom.

ILS Yes, Add that Robot

Let's Augment Your Reality

Session Description: Just what is AR and how can it bring classroom learning to life? Come experience the wonderful ways AR can foster student engagement and learning. You must check out this remarkable technology.

ILS Let's Augment your Reality


Session Description: Sketchnoting is an effective approach to consuming and capturing one's thoughts while listening to a speaker, reading an article, or watching video footage. Bring pen/paper or a sketchnoting app, such as Paper 53 or Doodle Buddy to experience sketchnoting in a variety of activities.


ILS Sketchnoting

Dr. Kari Murphy took a different approach to sketchnoting.

Browse though her presentation and sketchnote a main idea or a point you would like to remember.

Improve Retention and Creativity with Sketchnoting Presentation.pdf


ILS Conference Makerspaces

Session Description: The Maker Movement is taking education by storm as a powerful way to develop critical thinking and collaboration skills. Find out the reason why classrooms and libraries across the country are embracing makerspaces. *Bonus* You will have the opportunity to do a little making during the session.

Escape the Routine: Using Breakout EDU with Your Students

Session Description: Whether a physical or a digital breakout, educators can create breakouts for every subject and grade level. Higher Order Thinking Skills abound when students experience or create one of their very own.

ILS Breakout EDU
ILS Digital Breakout