QR Codes

What are QR Codes?

QR Codes (or “Quick Response Codes”) are similar to bar codes. A QR Code is a digital image that can be scanned without the beam of light needed to scan barcodes at the grocery store.

QR Codes work in a variety of ways in the classroom: a physical activity with a QR Code Treasure Hunt, portable record of information, and easily access a website or information. What a way to change up a routine skill or activity!

QR Codes work with most of today’s mobile phones or tablets that have a built-in camera. All you need is a free QR Reader app and you have turned your mobile device into a sophisticated “bar code” reader!

Common Craft Explains a QR Code: http://www.commoncraft.com/video/qr-codes

Steps to Create Multiple QR Codes

Install the Add-On, QR Code Generator to your Google Sheets


>Google Sheets >Add-ons from the Menu Bar >Get Add-ons

Search for QR code Generator

Create Multiple QR Codes

1. Go to your Google Drive

2. Create a new Sheet and name the document

3. Type your words in column A

4. Copy the same list into column B (this will provide labels for your codes)

5. From the menu Add-Ons, >QR Code Generator >Start

6. Select both columns

7. Choose your options


Save as Document

Draw Border (lines to help you cut out the codes)

Use Second Column (label each of your codes)


9. Click Open Document and qr codes are made

10. Don't forget to name this new doc as it is only timestamped.

For a refresher on how to make multiple QR Codes Check out Daisy Marino's video