Digital Breakouts 

Try it out  . . . .   4 easiest digital breakouts to get you started.




Try it out  . . . .   4 easier digital breakouts to get you started.

Apollo 11 


PB & J


Standard Breakouts

What is a digital breakout?

A webpage with images, text, and hyperlinks. Students use the information to solve digital puzzles. These puzzles are set as Google Form questions with response validation. Unless you provide the exact content, the question does not unlock. And you will not be able to submit the form unless the correct content is entered.  

Who should play?

Small groups of students

How does it work?

Let’s say you have a six-letter word lock puzzle about Texas as the ultimate goal. Students use the website to find the answer. They might first think that the solution is Austin because there is an image of the capitol building with information about the city. Could the word be Austin? A student would type Austin in the Google Form under that particular lock. If it is not the correct word, students keep looking for more clues that would lead to a different six-letter word. Do be aware that there are “red herrings” that will distract players and could lead them on a wild goose chase.

How much time?

Usually 30 to 45 minutes.

Why have students participate in a digital breakout?

Digital Breakout Games with G 2021 ETC

Two options to create a Digital Breakout

1. You will need the Platform Access $99 per year.

2. You will need your Google Account. Use a Google Site and Google Form (optional Slides/Sheets,Drawings)

Creating a Digital Breakout

Option 1: Platform Access

Use the Digital Game Builder to create the breakout:

Option 2: Build Your Own with G Suite Tools

1. Decide on your topic

2. Create a Google Site

3. Create a Google Form 

*Use response validation for the locks

 *Use confirmation message for congratulations

4. Embed the Form on the Site

Peggy's Way

I decide on my topic.

I find the information.

The locks present themselves through the research.

I create the storyline last.

Resources to Help Students Design Games

BreakoutEdu website has a full template, but Sandi Berg from the BreakoutEDU Facebook group has some very useful documents:

This first document asks them to think about breakouts they've been part of and what they really like/remember about them.

The second document is a Breakout Brainstorming document

The third resource is provided by Mari Venturino (co-creator of digital breakouts). This is a reflection graphic organizer.

MAIN TRICK to the Locks in Google Forms