Day 6

Thursday, January 30 2024

English Language Arts

Goal: Introduce the character ¨olive octopus¨ and letter ¨o¨sound.

A: Let´s meet Olive octopus by looking at these videos.Discuss about it. 

N: Let´s find out words with olive octopus and its sound by looking at our jar. Repeat their names.

A: Cut and paste objects that begins with Oo.

G: Trace words letter Oo.


Goal:  Learn about Numbers from 10 to 20

A   Review numbers. The teacher will paste numbers disorganized on the board and the students will organize them.

N Altogether using manipulatives, blocks and bears lets create different set of ojects and count.

A Cut and paste numbers in order on a cosntruction paper.

G Play Bingo.