Cycle 6 (Lesson 2 - Adam and Eve)
Topic: Adam and Eve
Goal: Students will understand that God created Adam and Eve, and how they disobeyed Him.
Do you remember that last class we talked about how God created different things? Raising your hand, who can share some of those things that God created?
Mention how God created all these things and He also created human beings.
New Information:
Ask students if it’s okay to run in the classroom? Kick the teacher’s chair? It’s okay to run in the classroom? Or to scream in someone’s face? (NO!) That’s why we have rules that are necessary and good. Explain that in today’s Bible truth, God gave Adam and Eve ONE rule.
Display VA 2B God Loves Adam and Eve and narrate the story of their disobedience.
Cut different fruits in a bowl and have students mix them. Have a mini bowl for students if they want and let them eat the fruit. Remind them that the Bible doesn’t specify which type of fruit, but they decided to disobey God no matter the fruit.
BLM 2C Fruit on a colored paper to each child and add a photograph of each child! This will be a reminder on how they can obey! Paste it somewhere around the classroom!
Worship song - Obey, Obey The Lord (Song + Dance) + Closing prayer!