Registration for Volunteers

Thank you for choosing to volunteer for the TAMU Math Circle!  Our work would not be possible without the generous commitment of our volunteers.  This year we are back to two types of volunteers:

Instructors are responsible for creating a lesson plan for an activity of their choice and carrying out this lesson plan during a Discovery Learning or Problem Solving Session (1.5 hours). We encourage Instructors to prepare one 1.5 hour activity that will be suitable either for the Beginner group (in Pre-Algebra or below), Intermediate Group (in Algebra 1 or Geometry), or Advanced Group (in Algebra 2 and above). In the past students have done map coloring, truth tables, Platonic solids, elementary enumeration, and more. Previous experience with instructing kids is not necessary to be an Instructor, although it is highly recommended to serve as a Facilitator a few times first to become familiar with the students' level of thinking.

Facilitators are not responsible for making a lesson plan or any content creation, but should be prepared for math related questions from students regarding the Instructor’s activities, which will be provided in advance. To be a Facilitator one should be comfortable with the mathematics in the instructor's activities, which will be provided in advance, and be able to respond to students' questions.

If you are interested in volunteering (for any role), please fill out the registration form at the following link: 

If you are interested in volunteering as an Instructor, in addition to filling out the above form, please contact Phil Yasskin <> about Discover Learning Activities and Guoliang Yu <> or Wencai Liu <>  about Problem Solving Activities.  It is not necessary to have an activity in mind before volunteering as an instructor.  There are plenty of resources for leading an activity, so if this is something you are interested in, don't hesitate to ask one of the organizers for help.

Please read the following sections carefully, depending on your role.

Information for Instructors

Information for Facilitators

Instructions for Background Check and Child Protection Training:

Email Dr. Yasskin at if you have any questions.