Problem-Solving Instructors

Dr. Guoliang Yu; Powel Chair in Mathematics and Distinguished Professor

Dr. Zhizhang Xie; Associate Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Samson Zhou; Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Texas A&M)

Dr. Xin Liu; Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Sherry Gong;  Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Kun Wang; Lecturer (Texas A&M)

Dr. Simone Cecchini;  Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Suhan Zhong;  Visiting Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Andrew Yu;  Harvard University

Xiaoyu Su; Graduate Student (Texas A&M)

Jinmin Wang; Visiting Assistant Professor  (Texas A&M)

Dr. Bo Zhu; Visiting Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Collin Victor; Visiting Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Former Instructors

Dr. Irina Bobkova; Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Jintao Deng is now a visiting assistant professor at Waterloo University (he was an instructor of the Beginner Group from 2016-2020)

Dr. Rodrigo Matos; Visiting Assistant Professor (Texas A&M)

Dr. Guangbo Xu is a assistant professor at Texas A&M.

Jianchao Wu is now an assistant professor at Fudan University (he was an instructor of the Intermediate Group from 2019-2020)

Hao Guo is now an assistant  professor at Tsing Hua University (he was an instructor of the Intermediate Group from 2018-2021)

Li Gao is now an assistant professor at University of Houston (he was an instructor of the Intermediate Group from 2019-2021)