
Below is an archive of our meetings from Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

April 27, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Vishwam Khapre, Texas A&M University

Title: Mathematical Oddities and Card Games

Abstract: We will play a card game where we will hide 3 cards, and using math, try to guess which cards were hidden. We will also look at some misue of maths in a variety of situations presented in newspaper advertisements and other places.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Dr. Kun Wang, Texas A&M University

Title: Coin Puzzle Problem

Abstract: Imagine we have an equal-arm balance scale, but it lacks balance weights. In this challenge, we start with five identical coins, among which one is uniquely weighted (either lighter or heavier) compared to the others. The task is to devise a strategy to determine the distinct coin and to ascertain how many times we need to use the balance scale for this purpose.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Kyle Murphy, Texas A&M University

Title: Lights Out!

Abstract: We will explore the possibilities of the classic puzzle Lights Out. Starting with simple configurations of lights in two dimensions, we will move on to playing Lights Out in three or even four dimensions, with the goal of trying to find out what kinds of configurations are always solvable - and how this might change between dimensions. 

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Collin Victor (Texas A&M), Abishek Hariharan (Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

April 20, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Youngho Yoo, Texas A&M University

Title: Subtraction Game

Abstract: Start with a pile of 20 chips. Each of two players take turns removing some chips (1, 2, 3 or 4) from the pile. The person who removes the last chip wins. Do you want to go first or second? What is a good strategy?

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Drs. Sinjini Sengupta, John Weeks, Philip Yasskin, and Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Neverending War

Abstract: The games of War, Beggar-My-Neighbor, and Sticks offer examples of games that we can modify to be never-ending. In the game of Sticks, we ask the players to find a way to play so that the game enters a cyclical pattern where the game never ends. We then continue with the card games War and Beggar-My-Neighbor: if we allow a limited deck, can we choose how cards are positioned in the deck so that the game never terminates? By making these games cooperative rather than competitive, we stretch the rules of the games and find some beautiful results along the way.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Frank Lin, Texas A&M University

Title: Biased Coins

Abstract: A fair coin is a coin that comes up as heads or tails with equal probability. We may cry foul when a coin flip is shown to use a biased, unfair coin; however, mathematicians are simply intrigued. How can we expand what we learn from biased coins to finding probabilities? Inn particular, we will see how coin flips can be used to choose between n alternatives with equal probability. This will introduce us to the mathematical notion of probability distributions.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Collin Victor (Texas A&M), Abishek Hariharan (Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

April 6, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Some Infinities are Bigger than Others

Abstract: What does it mean for two sets to have the same "size"? We introduce the concept of cardinality, starting with some easy consequences such as the pigeon-hole principle, and then discuss some paradoxes regarding infinities in the context of Hilbert's hotel, which is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Ultimately, we discuss whether some infinite sets are "larger" than others.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Tanush Yarram, Texas A&M University

Title: Three Jugs Problem

Abstract: You have three jugs of varying volumes. The largest jug is filled to the brim with water, and the other jugs are empty. Can you find a way to leave one jug with any volume of water in it smaller than the largest jug? We will discuss some solutions and show some unique techniques to arrive at our answers.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Collin Victor, Texas A&M University

Title: Prisoner Probabilities, Certainties, and a Paradox

Abstract: We will consider several problems meant to stretch our knowledge of probability - these include paradoxes, random distributions, and variations on some classic mathematics puzzles.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Dr. Collin Victor (Texas A&M), Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

March 23, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Kyle Murphy, Texas A&M University

Title: Apple Picking

Abstract: In this two-person game, players start with a row of apples, and each takes turns picking either one apple or two that are next to each other. The goal is simple: be the last player to take an apple. Can we find a strategy to guarantee victory, or does it depend on the number of apples that we start with? What happens to our strategy if we start modifying the rules of the game? We will explore these questions and more.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Hannah Solomon, Texas A&M University

Title: Proofigami

Abstract: We will use origami to showcase beautiful results in mathematics.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Matthias Hofmann, Texas A&M University

Title: Introduction to Cardinality - Some infinities are bigger than others

Abstract: What does it mean for two sets to have the same "size"? We introduce the concept of cardinality, starting with some easy consequences such as the pigeon-hole principle, and then discuss some paradoxes regarding infinities in the context of Hilbert's hotel, which is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Ultimately, we discuss whether some infinite sets are "larger" than others.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Dr. Collin Victor (Texas A&M), Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

March 2, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Ryan Jung, Texas A&M University

Title: Doodles

Abstract: Given a shape, students will be challenged to draw them without lifting their pen or drawing over a line twice. Is there a relation between drawability and the properties with the vertices of the given shape?

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Dr. Youngho Yoo, Texas A&M University

Title: Bulgarian Solitaire

Abstract: N cubes are placed on the table, in some number of piles. From each pile, we take one cube off and place them in a new pile. If this process is repeated, will the cubes eventually reach a loop, or not? If it does reach a loop, how many states are in the loop? Is it possible to have a loop of period one? Further questions will be investigated along these lines.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. John Weeks, Texas A&M University

Title: A Jeep Crossing the Desert

Abstract: A jeep has to cross a desert but does not have enough fuel to complete the distance in one trip. To accomplish the trip, fuel caches must be set up at particular points along the way to allow for refueling during the trip.

If the fuel can only be gathered from the starting point, how large of a desert can the Jeep cross? How much gas does it take to get across?

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Dr. Collin Victor (Texas A&M), Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

February 17, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Paul Simanjuntak, Texas A&M University

Title: Cup Stacking

Abstract: You have a row of cups, starting with one cup in each space.

You can move all the cups in any space to another space which is the

distance away given by the number of cups in the original space. 

The goal is to get all the cups in a single stack.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Dr. Philip Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Checkers on a Checker Board

Abstract: We will check out how many checkers can be put on a checkerboard with certain restrictions on the number of checkers in each row and column.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Yuliia Yershova, Texas A&M University

Title: Continued Fractions and Applications

Abstract: We will discuss the best approximations of rational and irrational numbers and how to use them in a variety of applied problems, such as solving Diophantine equations and performing astronomical calculations.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group  (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

February 10, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. John Weeks, Texas A&M University

Title: Pick's Theorem

Abstract: Suppose we have a pegboard with a grid of pegs and we make a polygon by wrapping a band around some collection of these pegs. How would we calculate the area of this polygon? One way is to split the polygon into smaller polygons and add up all their areas, but we could also use Pick's Theorem to easily find the total area. We will discover how Pick's Theorem arises from this problem, and construct an explanation of why it must be true.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above) AND Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Preston Tranbarger, Texas A&M University

Title: King Arthur's Round Table

Abstract: King Arthur is selecting a Knight from around his round table to marry his daughter.

There is a process of elimination and the winner is the one who can find a formula for the process.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group  (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

February 3, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Kyle Murphy, Texas A&M University

Title: Lights Out!

Abstract: We will explore the classic puzzle of Lights Out, playing with different configurations and even moving the game into higher dimensions with the goal of understanding what makes a certain configuration of lights solvable or not solvable, with the hope of being able to prove all of our claims.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Counting Diagonals

Abstract: Draw a 4x4 grid of squares. There are two types of diagonals in each small square.

Two diagonals (in the same or different small squares) are considered bad if they touch.

What is the largest number of diagonals that can be drawn without touching?

Repeat for 3x3, 2x2, 1x1, 5x5, 6x6, etc. What do you observe? Prove it!

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Phil Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Counting Diagonals

Abstract: Draw a 4x4 grid of squares. There are two types of diagonals in each small square.

Two diagonals (in the same or different small squares) are considered bad if they touch.

What is the largest number of diagonals that can be drawn without touching?

Repeat for 3x3, 2x2, 1x1, 5x5, 6x6, etc. What do you observe? Prove it!

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group  (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M),  Abishek Hariharan(Texas A&M) and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

January 27, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Philip Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Counting Diagonals

Abstract: Draw a 4x4 grid of squares. There are two types of diagonals in each small square.

Two diagonals (in the same or different small squares) are considered bad if they touch.

What is the largest number of diagonals that can be drawn without touching?

Repeat for 3x3, 2x2, 1x1, 5x5, 6x6, etc. What do you observe? Prove it!

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Matthew Atanas, Texas A&M University

Title: Subtraction, NIM, and Tip the Die

Abstract: We will be playing Subtraction, NIM, and Tip the Die games and finding strategies for them to provably always win! 

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Xin Liu, Texas A&M University

Title: Pick's Theorem

Abstract: Consider a polygon whose vertices are on integer lattice points.

Can you find its area if you only know the number of lattice points inside and on the edge of the polygon?

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group  (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

December 9, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University

Title: The Game of Criss-Cross

Abstract: We will play the game of criss-cross, in which two players take turns connecting dots with noncrossing paths. The winner is the last player to make a legal move. We will play this game and then analyze it.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Painted Cubes

Abstract: We will start by combining small cubes to form one large cube. Then we will imagine painting the outside of the larger cube. After doing this, how many of the smaller cubes would not get painted at all? How many would have exactly 1, 2, or 3 sides painted? We will carefully count them and explore the patterns in what we find.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Hannah Solomon, Texas A&M University

Title: How (Not) to Hang a Picture

Abstract: If you are using two nails and a piece of string to hang a picture, can you place the string in such a way that the picture hangs with both nails but falls if either nail is removed?  We will start by trying to come up with a solution to this problem. We will learn what a mathematical knot is and see if we can use properties of knots to understand why the solution worked. Time permitting, we will consider other versions of this problem, such as using three nails and the picture falling when any one is removed.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

December 2, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Frank Lin, Texas A&M University

Title: Curlicues in Kinetic Origami

Abstract: Curlicues are a type of kinetic (or moving) origami that, when finished, can be twisted to form various new geometric patterns and shapes.  We will learn to fold a few basic types of such curlicues from gift wrap paper. 

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Dr. Michael Willis, Texas A&M University

Title: Finding Formulas for 3D Shapes

Abstract: Three-dimensional polyhedra come in all shapes and sizes.  In particular, different shapes can have many different numbers of faces, edges, and vertices (corners).  But is there anything that all of these shapes have in common?  We'll take a look at lots of different polyhedra to try to find an answer.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Painted Cubes

Abstract: We will start by combining small cubes to form one large cube. Then we will imagine painting the outside of the larger cube. After doing this, how many of the smaller cubes would not get painted at all? How many would have exactly 1, 2, or 3 sides painted? We will carefully count them and explore the patterns in what we find.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

November 18, 2023 (SPECIAL EVENT)

Discovery Learning and Problem Solving (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced)

Speaker: Lauren Siegel and the MathHappens Foundation

Title: Calipers

Abstract: The MathHappens Foundation is dedicated to promoting the joy and value of mathematics in people's lives. Through innovative programs, exhibits, and events, they foster curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, helping to cultivate a more mathematically literate society. In our activity we will be exploring similar triangles, the Golden Ratio, and many other geometric wonders of the world.

November 11, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Matthew Atanas, Texas A&M University

Title: Map Coloring

Abstract: Given a map of the United States, what is the fewest number of colors that can be used to color in all forty-eight mainland stands such that no two states of the same color touch along an edge? Problems like this have been studied in mathematics for decades, and they reveal some interesting details about how we prove (and disprove) things in mathematics.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Kyle Murphy, Texas A&M University

Title: Skyscraper Puzzles

Abstract: These sudoku-like puzzles require players to place a set of skyscrapers of different heights (represented by plastic blocks) onto a grid so that they satisfy a certain set of conditions. While they start out simple, as the size of the grid and the number of skyscrapers starts to grow, things get challenging fast!

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University

Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

October 28, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Youngho Yoo, Texas A&M University

Title: Peaceful Pieces

Abstract: How many rooks can you place on a chess board so that none are attacking each other? What about queens or bishops? We will study and play a competitive game version of these problems.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Hannah Solomon, Texas A&M University

Title: How Knot to Hang a Picture

Abstract: 1. If you are using two nails and a piece of string to hang a picture, can you place the string in such a way that the picture hangs with both nails but falls if either nail is removed?  We will start by trying to come up with a solution to this problem.

2. We will learn what a mathematical knot is and see if we can use properties of knots to understand why the solution worked.

3. Time permitting, we will consider other versions of this problem, such as using three nails and the picture falling when any one is removed.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Philip Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: The Nine Point Circle

Abstract: We will identify 9 points determined by any triangle which always lie on the same circle, and prove it.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

October 14, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Marshall King, Texas A&M University

Title: Painted Cubes

Abstract: We will start by combining small cubes to form one large cube. Then we will imagine painting the outside of the larger cube. After doing this, how many of the smaller cubes would not get painted at all? How many would have exactly 1, 2, or 3 sides painted? We will count them up and explore the patterns in what we find.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Kyle Murphy, Texas A&M University

Title: The Map Coloring Problem

Abstract: Given a map of the United States, what is the fewest number of colors that can be used to color in all forty-eight mainland stands such that no two states of the same color touch along an edge? Problems like this have been studied in mathematics for decades, and they reveal some interesting details about how we prove (and disprove) things in mathematics.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Sherry Gong, Texas A&M University

Title: Knots

Abstract: We'll learn about knots, what they can look like, and how to tell if two of them are the same.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

September 30, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Matthew Atanas, Texas A&M University

Title: Counterintuitive probability with birthdays and six strings

Abstract: In this activity, we will be  discussing the counterintuitive probability behind the birthday and six strings problems.  The six strings problem involves pairing six string ends and seeing how many loops are created.  The birthday problem involves the paradox of how likely it is that a group has two people that share a birthday.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Dr. Philip Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Platonic Solids

Abstract: We will investigate what is meant by regular polygons and regular solids. The latter are called Platonic solids.

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Matthias Hofmann, Texas A&M University

Title: Introduction to Game Theory

Abstract: We introduce the concept of combinatorial games with some examples and discuss how game trees can be used to determine winning strategies in such games. A fundamental theorem in this context is Zermelo's theorem that establishes the existence of winning and drawing strategies. Finally, we will look into normal-play games, where the win rule indicates that the winner of the game is the last player to make a move and will discuss in this context the game of nim.  

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)

September 23, 2023

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Philip Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Platonic Solids

Abstract: We will investigate what is meant by regular polygons and regular solids. The latter are called Platonic solids.

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above) & Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Dr. Paul Simanjuntak, Texas A&M University

Title: Pick's Theorem

Abstract: We will investigate a shortcut for computing the area of a polygon whose vertices are lattice points in the plane. The resulting formula is called Pick's Formula.

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Yichen Tao (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group

Instructors: Dr. Jinmin Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)