
Below is an archive of our meetings from Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

September 14, 2024

Discovery Learning: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Speaker: Dr. Phil Yasskin, Texas A&M University

Title: Handshakes & Pile Splitting

Abstract: We will look at two problems:

Hand Shaking: If N people all shake hands, how many handshakes will happen?

Pile Splitting: Start with 10 poker chips. Split them into two piles, say 4 and 6. Multiply those numbers to get 24. Now pick one of those piles, split it and multiply the numbers. Keep going until all the piles have 1 chip.  Finally add up all the products. What is this sum?

We will find these two problems are closely related. 

Discovery Learning: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Speaker: Rozlyn Graham, Texas A&M University

Title: Functions Rearranged

Abstract: In this activity, students will learn about the operation of composing functions and discover some of the properties of the compositions of functions. 

Discovery Learning: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Speaker: Tanush Yarram, Texas A&M University

Title: Pirate Puzzles

Abstract: Take a dive into the sea with us! In this session we will explore several different problems being faced by a crew of very logically thinking Pirates. Utilizing mathematics, strategy, and our boundless imagination we’ll devise appropriate solutions for the puzzles and build on our own knowledge of probability in the process. 

Problem-Solving: Beginner Group (in Pre-Algebra and below)

Instructors: Dr. Kun Wang (Texas A&M), Dr. Xin Liu  (Texas A&M),  Dr. Simone Cecchini (Texas A&M), Dr. Runjie Hu (Texas A&M), Rozlyn Graham (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Intermediate Group (in Algebra I or above)

Instructors: Dr. Bo Zhu (Texas A&M), Dr. Suhan Zhong (Texas A&M), Dr. Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M), and Xiaoyu Su (Texas A&M), Jake Song (Texas A&M)

Problem-Solving: Advanced Group (in Algebra II or above)

Instructors: Dr. Samson Zhou (Texas A&M), Dr. Sherry Gong (Texas A&M), Dr. Qiaochu Ma(Texas A&M), and Andrew Yu (Harvard University)