Digital Breakout with Google

You have been trapped within Victor Frankenstein's laboratory where his wretched creature has come to life. In an instant you could be snatched up and dashed to pieces. It is up to you to find the clues to help you break out of the lab and seek safety from the monster. Your time is limited as the chains that hold the wretch back, won't hold for much longer!

Creating a Digital Breakout

As you may have noticed through the sample above, Digital Breakouts incorporate various items created within your Google Drive.

  • A Google Site/Page is needed to deliver your Digital Breakout content
  • Google Drawings is used to create the image and the hidden hyperlinks (boxes or circle shapes linked to the Google Doc and set to transparent) within the image
  • Google Docs are used to write your and deliver your questions (shared as public on the web and linked to the transparent shapes in the image)
  • Google Forms are used for students to submit their answers as the "lock" for students to open to breakout (each question set as "required," and using "Response Validation" to make sure the answer is specifically "equal to" or "contains" the text of the answer)
Digital Breakout Slides

Extra Resources

  • BreakoutEDU provides physical kits to be purchased through their store at 125$, and allows you to find a game our build a game around the kit.