Volume Two, Issue Two

Snowball Recap

By The Paw Print Staff

In a time of the school year when there isn’t much going on, SHS’s Snowball week provides the fun and excitement that the drab end of winter needs. This year the Snowball theme was “Candy Land”, the classic and sweet board game. Snowball is a formal dance, and tradition put on by National Honors Society. A revived tradition started back up this year was the Boys' Volleyball Game, to parallel the Girls' Kickball game in the fall. Another parallel to the Homecoming festivities-but a brand new tradition- was the crowning of teacher king and queen. Our 1st ever winners at SHS are Mr. Eppert and Ms. Larrow, who regally kicked off the Snowball Pep Rally on Friday. Through the spirit week, teachers voted on two winners for each dress up day. SHS really brought their spirit to get hype for Snowball!

The dance itself was on Saturday, February 24th. With over 100 attendees, the Snowball this year was one of the biggest SHS has had in recent years.