Duck Stamp


Colored Pencil and Graphite

The main idea behind this artwork was to create an image of a bird that I thought was cool.  Another idea behind this artwork is that I think the way that trumpeter swans live their lives is interesting.

For this artwork, I used graphite and colored pencils. Unfortunately, when I worked on this at home I had to use the really bad colored pencils that I have from the dollar store, so there is a noticeable drop in quality and change in color. I also used a pen.

I didn't really have to think about what bird I wanted to draw since the first thing I thought of when I saw the list was a trumpeter swan. One time I read this book called the Trumpet of the Swan, which I'm pretty sure isn't even about a trumpeter swan. I decided to do a gray trumpeter swan because I think the one in the book was gray or something and was made fun of. I could completely be making that up but hopefully I'm not.