Foundations of Art

Throughout this year my work has shown many things about myself. It shows my strengths and weaknesses as a learner by showing certain areas that I very much accel at but there are others that I do not. For example, one place that I specifically accell at is my artist statements. Despite not fully competing the project or just not doing it, I am still able to provide a quality artist statement because I am still able to learn about whatever we are doing in class. Another place that I accel at is on the bell ringers. I accel at these because most of the time I hear one thing and am able to expand upon it with either prior knowledge or something that I make up in the moment. Some places that I don't accel at are work ethic. You can see this through the amount of projects that I did not finish or just didn't do. I still learn about the project but I do not complete it. Another place that shows this is through artsonia because half of the time when I do end up finishing the project I don't upload it there. My artwork also shows my strengths because most of the time when I would do a project it would relate to one of my interests. For example, a lot of my projects involved countries. This shows my strengths in learning geography.

My work shows how I have improved because when you look at some of my work from the beginning of the year it appears to be done as quickly as possible or not made very well. You can especially see this in my artist statements. When reading my artist statements from the begininning of the year, you can tell that I didn't really pay attention in class or that I didn't read the rubric of the project very well. But when reading the things that I have most recently done, you can tell that I have taken the time to think about what we have learned in class and what we were assigned to do, despite the fact that I may have not completed the project fully.

For me, the most challenging project was the color design one. This project challenged me in a myriad of ways, the most notable being time constraints. I didn't really have a lot of time to do this which is why it's incomplete. Another challenge from this project was the painting. It was difficult for me to paint at home since I got home around 5:30 every night when we were doing this project. I also didn't really have the space to do it since my table was usually in use and my desk was too small.  Another challenge of this project was the amount of colors that we had to make. I struggled a lot when I tried to make new colors because it's really hard for me to do take the proper amount. Another struggle for me was the amount of wrist flexion that I had to use since it hurts my wrists when I paint for too long.

The project that I am most proud of is my surrealism. This is the first project that I feel like I actually completed it the way I wanted to and I wasn't limited by my artistic abilities or time constraints. The surrealism project is also my favorite because it encapsulates the things that I enjoy, like geography. I also would consider it to be the most complete out of all of my projects, and the one that looks the nicest.  Another reason that I am proud of this one is because I don't feel like I made any overwhelming mistakes on it like I have on some of my other projects, and I did not have to restart once.

I don't really have any artistic goals for the future. I do really like drawing maps, so that's something that I will try to get better at. I guess a goal that I have that will help with art is fixing my wrists. My wrists tend to hurt whenever I draw or paint for awhile, so that's something that I will need to work on if I want to become a better artists and continue doing art in general.