Art History

Artist statement.:

  • This is my image of some fruit on a table with a flower pot and there is a window and curtains in the background, the artists that I was inspired by to make this was Edouard monet, and the artist Claude Monet. I took something like the fruit on the table, which was something that Edouard Monet would make and has made, and tried to combine it with the style of Claude Monet. This was hard because I was taking something that was very realistic and dark, and making it more easy to see the marks of the oil pastels. What I did first was get the general idea of where the table and other objects would go, and then colored them in and made them look like something that Claude Monet would make even though it was a very dark setting, and his were normally very bright and colorful. After I was done I realized that the background was very simple, so I decided to add and element that Edouard Monet did. Paint. So I used some white and blue paint to add in a window and curtains in the background, with this I also got to decide what was in the window, and I tried to make a small tribute to Claude Monet by making the background of the window like some of his pieces, with the different blue colors. But, since I was sick for one of the days that we worked on this, I didn't have enough time to get it to where I would have liked. One thing I would have changed was the curtains and the window. They seem very bright in this piece compared to everything else, so I would have liked to dull them down a little bit more and make them darker to more match what i had already made. regardless of what other people say, I kind of like what I made and like the style that Claude Monet was doing, even though some pieces are messy, I think that they are very beautiful. Now the materials that I used for this were, a Piece of paper, a pencil, many different colored oil pastels, and some white and blue paint.