Foundations of art.

This is my reflection for my year in art.

This year of art was a lot better than last years in with grade, the reason for this was that this year was a lot free and I could make my projects more to what I wanted them to be, last year I had to do more of what the teacher said to do, but this year you would tell us what we needed to do and how to do it, and then we could be creative and make whatever we wanted as long as we followed the criteria.

One way that I have definitely improved in this class this year was with pencil sketches and drawings, I learned how to do better dimensions, and fill in the blank space, and use no lines and only shading to make the drawing look more realistic and better. This was a better improvement because I only used to make single lines to outline an image and it definitely looks way better than last year. One other improvement that I noticed from this year was that I take more time to do my projects and think more before I just start to paint. Last year I would just start painting to get the job done, as I’m kind of a lazy person.

Te most challenging thing for me in art class this year was the coronavirus and the quarantine. I’m sure a lot of students said the same, as I was less motivated and kind of depressed because there was nothing interesting in my life during that time, I also didn’t have any art materials, so that also made it really hard to make art. I fell behind a lot because I kept getting back up on work which made me fall even farther behind, so it was terrible and there was a lot of pressure, luckily I clutched in the last few days and really pushed to try and catch up, I am now caught up in all of my classes except for this, and am hoping that this, as well as a few other projects being, turned in is enough to boost my grade to passing.

One thing that I’m proud of in art class this year was actually the surrealism college, the reason that I am proud that I made this was because I didn’t have that many materials to make it out of, and I spent some time trying to make it look good, and I think that it did come out good.

Not so much the drawing part, which wasn’t that bad, but the collage part was really good in my opinion, I like it because it is bright and colorful, it catches your eye, and there are some smaller details that make it cool.

I don't really know if I have any strengths in art because I’m pretty much the same in all aspects of art. I guess I could say that one of my strengths in art is that when there is a project that I am interested in, or am excited to do, which doesn’t happen often because I do not enjoy school, but I think it gives me more motivation. One of my weaknesses in art is that I am not that very motivated in most cases, for example, the coronavirus, during the quarantine I didn’t have that much motivation, because there were distractions, and I didn’t have to work on art, which is one of my biggest mistakes.

Overall in art I had a good year, You were a pretty good teacher compared to most of my others. The classroom was always filled with positive energy, and having it as my first class on maroon days was really fun compared to having science first thing on white days. I hope I am able to pass this class, as it would be really hard to do it over the summer, And I hope you have a great summer and do lots of fun things. Thank you very much for a pretty good year overall.