Painted colors design. (84 colors)

Painted Value Strips

9"x 12"

Acrylic on canvas

Idea generation sketches.

8.5" x 11"

Graphite on drawing paper

Happy trails. 

Acrylic on canvas.

Color checklist

9"x 12"

Acrylic on paper

Artist Statement.

The main inspiration for the subject of this painting was my love for skiing and the outdoors. Skiing is something I have been doing since I was very little and find so much joy in. I thought that a mountain would be perfect for this project and would express something I love to do. I think that the simplified shapes show the simplicity and joy of nature and this activity! 

I used a pencil,  and acrylic paint for this project. 

First,  I taped off a one-inch border after choosing my canvas size. Then, I used a pencil to sketch out the main shapes of my composition and figure out how big I wanted certain things. I changed the mountain shape a few times during this process, so I am very glad that I went through it. After that, the paint mixing began. I started, mistakenly, with the trees. I felt that most of my colors would be used in the trees and decided to start here as there were so many of them. Later, I realized this was not smart as I would have to then paint around each tree individually. After the trees, I painted the sky. I decided to layer the blues and a few dark violets without a specific order so that it didn't look too "ombre" and more natural.  Finally, I faced the issue of the trails and trees. I decided to make each major trail a different, light, warm color. I do wish I had done this first so that the trees could be layered over the colors, but this ended up being the best option for time's sake and the overall composition. However, I still had to take some time to paint around the trees with white. The final step was outlining the mountain with a black Sharpie. I did this to give the border between it and the sky a bit of a pop so the shape of the mountain was clean, bold and stood out.