Robot Art Show

Evidence of Work


Here is a short video showing how my Robot Art Show project works.

Robot Art Show Code

My circuit is programmed to make nine different colored lights blink in a sequence. The lights blink from up to down and each blink is 200 milliseconds long. The lights will blink infinitely until the simulation is stopped.


We started this project by using a circuit website and playing around with it. We then had to try and make different circuits using the little information we had about the project. Next we jotted down the notes Mr. Williams gave us for our Physics of Everything worksheet and for our science notebook. Then we did a few worksheets talking about Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's law. Ohm's law says that the electric current is proportional to the voltage while it is inversely proportional to the resistance. Kirchhoff's law states that a sum of voltages in a closed loop must equal zero. We then had a quiz where we had to use a breadboard and create a blinking light. I had some trouble with this part of the project because I was still learning about using Tinker Cad and learning the code. Following up to the main project we did a lot more experiments, usually each one getting more difficult than the last.

Electromagnet Lab Write up


This project took place during the COVID-19 quarantine and we had to adapt to working at home. I had a lot challenges during this project because I have not worked with coding and programming before. I would watch all the videos and follow the instructions but I still found myself struggling. I would have to turn to others doing the project and YouTube videos to help. I believe that this project would have been a lot easier if I had been in a classroom with a teacher so I could ask questions whenever I needed assistance. Later on in the project I started getting used to the program Tinker Cad and coding. In this project I got to try many different ideas and be creative with what I wanted my project to end up being like.