Kelp Mini Poster


Seaweed comes in three various colors: red, green, and brown. I chose a family of seaweed that is well-known in our chilly Pacific seas for this study. Kelp. Brown seaweed known as kelp has the ability to grow into "forests" under the appropriate conditions. Many fish and invertebrate species can be found in these habitats. The sea otter is one of the most well-known species. We were instructed to select a particular species of kelp and make a little poster about it. In addition to data and its biological categorization, the poster featured a drawing. I decided on the species, Macrocystis pyrifera, also known as, giant kelp.

Evidence Of Work

Giant Kelp Mini Poster:


I had a lot of fun doing this project because I got ot use my drawing skills and I got to research one of the most interesting organisms in the ocean. This is what I was waiting to do when I entered the Marine Bio class. I have seen kelp forests before while scuba diving and I wanted to learn more about them. There are so many things I have learned about seaweed and how important of a role it can play in our everyday lives. One thing I did well on this project was manage my time well and turning it in on time. I do not think there is much to critique when it comes to the project itself but nothing can ever be perfect. I may have been able to include some more information on kelp, add a couple more images of the kelp and its components, or color some more or add other organisms that live in these kelp forests and their relationships.