Final Update - Step 5-6-7-8


We are finally on our last steps of our Capstone project! It has been a long journey and we have made it. Looking back on the year we have learned so much and have improved in so many different ways. Our group, the "Men In STEM" have improved tremendously and our project evolved to the amazing device it is today.

Evidence of Work

Design Defense Report:

Jake Whitlock-Design Defense Report

STEM Defense Report Presentation Design #1:

STEM Defense Report Presentation

Presentation Night Poster:

Jake Whitlock-Stem Poster


Copy of Final Presentation- Men In S.T.E.M.

STEM Presentation night Setup:


We finally made it to the last step of our capstone project and it has been such a journey, the group collaborated well, and we made a TON of progress throughout the school year. I was able to create a quality output by utilizing my first semester skills. In the future, I intend to continue expanding on this project's success.

Despite the fact that this phase was successful, I still have some work to do. My next assignment requires that I learn more diligently. There were instances when I was disengaged from my group's work and off task. This is unacceptable because I was wasting time that I could have used to improve the project. In the future when I continue on to college I will minimize my exposure to outside distractions. I also need to improve my communication skills. I occasionally struggled to understand what my organization expected of me. I either performed what I thought was correct without asking or I waited until someone told me. Once more, this was a waste of time brought on by poor communication. The project will be even better if I can address these issues for the subsequent undertaking.

Even if certain things went wrong, I still thought I did other things well, which is what made this project so enjoyable. I thought my persona in this project was fantastic. I tried to maintain a great attitude and brought it with me every day. Overall, I thought this step went pretty well and I'm excited to try and bring our device to the next level and hopefully make a lot of money and once we are all very successful from our hydro-harvester we will remember that Mr. Tronconi gets 10% of our earnings!