Talia Bloom


Talia is our editor-in-chief and social media extraordinaire! And, while we appreciate her efforts, she is bound for greater things - like being a social media influencer herself.

First, Talia is already a behind the scenes Instagram influencer. She runs 12 school Instagram accounts (including @hilltoppernhs). She clearly has the experience to be a famous influencer.

Second, she dances, sings, and acts! A triple threat! Obviously, as an influencer, you need a unique form of exercise to make money, and Talia™ ballet classes and Talia™ leotards would definitely sell.

However, she does have a few weaknesses that worry me as an unbiased observer of Instagram. She cannot rip plastic wrap or tinfoil. Furthermore, she cannot eat watermelon, ravioli, asparagus, grapes, and cucumbers. This truly disturbs me - how will she find brands to partner with if she can't get Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil, Saran Plastic Wrap, Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, or Ocean Spray Seedless Green Grapes. Oh no.

I guess Talia will have to keep her talents hidden as the Hilltopper instagram influencer forever. So sad. Guess we, as the Hilltopper, will just have to deal with Talia's perfect articles and Instagram posts with lots of engagement forever.