Live Laugh Love Supplemental Essays: The 10 Top Tips for College Admissions

by Talia Bloom

Published October 14th, 2021

College admissions? Writing supplemental essays in the back of class? Needing to decide the next four years of our life at age 17? Really ideal situation most of us seniors are finding ourselves in. But honestly, the process is wayyy overhyped. It’s actually not that hard! As a senior who is really on top of things (I totally know where I want to apply and have started apps), I thought I would impart the Hilltopper’s wisdom for current and future seniors! Follow our tips and you will be golden :)

  1. Definitely save your supplemental essays until the night before applications are due. They really don’t take that much time and the questions are super simple and easy to approach.

  2. Write your common app essay on a sports injury. Actually scratch that – on a mission trip. Definitely a mission trip.

  3. Lie. Well… bend the truth. Participate in a club one hour a week? That’s basically twelve! Look at you, how committed.

  4. I would recommend copying and pasting your “Why ___” supplemental for every school. You’ll look super passionate and interested, and colleges will know how much you want to go! Don’t even worry about changing the name of the school -- they won’t mind!

  5. Choose schools based on their colors. Or food. Or the one random person you know who goes, perhaps a notable alumn?

  6. Need a recommendation? You should ask a teacher who absolutely hated you! They’re the best judge of character.

  7. Set yourself apart by creating an art portfolio! Popsicle sticks, crayons, model magic; anyone can create a stellar portfolio.

  8. For interviews, I would recommend wearing your favorite Halloween costume and trying on a brand new accent. Make yourself stand out!

  9. Find a school that fully doesn’t align with your values and you can’t picture yourself at? Apply anyways! People change :)

  10. Genuinely, though, don’t stress. Everything will work out and you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be <3