
The Music Council helps to run all LP Music Department events and projects, and represents Music in school events and committees, and in the community. 

Want to be a part of it?

YOU ARE A:  Music program student in grades 9, 10 or 11. 
(enrolled in a LP Music course or are a full-year committed member of a LP music ensemble as part of your full-time schedule for next year)

YOU NEED TO:  Follow the 3 steps below! (login to AW and use your school google account)

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Interviews are running from May 17-26. If you haven't signed up for an interview, click on step #3 below - new interview times have been added!

GOT QUESTIONS?  email Ms. Wong,

1. Learn about the different Music Council roles and responsibilities. 

2. Login to AW and complete your application form online.

3. Read "Booking Music Council Interviews" and follow the steps to book your interview!