

Welcome to the Classics Council and Club page. The Classics Council works on events related to the Graeco-Roman world and beyond for all students at Lawrence Park. We run social events and bake sales all year, but our major activity is preparing for and attending the Ontario Student Classics Conference each year. The OSCC is an overnight conference for Latin and Classical Civilization students, which will be taking place from May 11-13. During the Conference, we compete in hundreds of events including a classically themed Skit, an Archaeological Dig, many, many academic events (including Latin Vocabulary, Myth, and Roman and Greek History), athletic events like running, chariot, swimming and even a Discus Ultumus (Ultimate Frisbee) tournament. 

Recently, Classics has also extended to recognizing the TDSB Heritage Months. To learn more, check out the posts on our Instagram and stay tuned for future Heritage Month initiatives. 

The Classics Council helps Mr. Snider plan and execute these events, beginning as soon as we get back in September. If you are interested in being involved in the Classics Club, make sure you are in the Classics Club Google Classroom (the code is pq4pqjf). We have regular General Meetings on Mondays at 3:45 pm virtually and the Zoom Link is posted on the Google Classroom. Make sure to follow us on our Instagram @lpciclassics and DM us with any questions. We look forward to seeing you then! 

Feel free to email us at or our teacher advisor,  

Classics Promo 2020-21.mp4