Short and Long Depth of Field 


Find an item to take a SHORT DEPTH OF FIELD photo with.

Set up your still life.  Make sure to include space in the background in order to truly highlight that it is SHORT DEPTH OF FIELD.

Meter your camera and take a SHORT DEPTH OF FIELD photograph according to the light meters suggestion.

Take another photo adjusting to your more preferred lighting (if you do not like the metered image)

Bracket the exposures and give me a range of images-- 3-4 using various F-Stops/Apertures AND 3-4 using various shutter speeds.

Label all photos with F-Stop/Aperture and Shutter Speed

Repeat this process with LONG DEPTH OF FIELD

Include a short description of what short depth of field is-- and how you achieve it.

Include a short description of what long depth of field is-- and how you achieve it.

Short Depth of Field 

Short depth of field means a few feet in focus. The focal point of the image is in focus, but the background is blurry. To achieve this, you need a wide f-stop/aperture and a fast shutter speed. 

F-Stop: 5.0

Shutter-Speed: 1/320th 

F-Stop/Aperture: 5.0

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 5.0

Shutter-Speed: 1/500th 

F-Stop/Aperture: 5.0

Shutter-Speed: 1/640th

F-Stop/Aperture: 5.0

Shutter-Speed: 1/800th

F-Stop/Aperture: 4.5

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 5.6

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 6.3

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 7.1

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

Long Depth of Field 

Long depth of field means a lot of feet in focus. Everything in the photo, including the distance is in focus. To achieve this, you need a narrow f-stop/aperture and a slow shutter speed. 

F-Stop/Aperture: 18

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 20

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 22

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter-Speed: 1/250th

F-Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter-Speed: 1/320th

F-Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter-Speed: 1/500th

F-Stop/Aperture: 25

Shutter-Speed: 1/640th

F-Stop/Aperture: 29

Shutter-Speed: 1/400th