
Portrait photos are pictures of living things like humans and animals. To take these photos, I used studio and ring lights indoors.

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th

F-Stop: 5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/400th