Depth of Field

Short depth of field: smaller range in focus

"a few feet in focus"

To take a short depth of field photo, a wide f-stop/aperature (F2,F3,F4), and fast shutter speed (1/500th, 1/1000th) is needed.

Long depth of field: larger range in focus

"a lot of feet in focus"

To take a long depth of field photo, a narrow f-stop/aperature (F11,F16,F22), and slow shutter speed (1/250th, 1/125th) is needed.

Short Depth of Field:

Theme: Apple/Fruit

F-Stop/Aperture: 4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/250th

Composition: Worm's Eye, Short Depth of Field, Rule of Thirds

Long Depth of Field:

Theme: Apple/Fruit

F-Stop/Aperture: 22

Shutter Speed: 1/20th

Composition: Centered, Worm's Eye

Short Depth of Field:

Theme: Orange/Fruit

F-Stop/Aperture: 4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/250th

Composition: Worm's Eye, Short Depth of Field, Rule of Thirds

Long Depth of Field:

Theme: Orange/Fruit

F-Stop/Aperture: 22

Shutter Speed: 1/20th

Composition: Centered, Worm's Eye

Short Depth of Field:

Theme: Sports

F-Stop/Aperture: 5

Shutter Speed: 1/1000th

Composition: Centered, Worm' s Eye, Short Depth of Field