Leading Lines

Leading lines composition is when a photo is of something that leads the eye towards or away from the photo. For the photos below, I used natural light outside on a gloomy day. I used a higher f-stop and lower shutter speed in order to capture a long depth of field shot with a lot of feet in focus. I used lines in the sidewalks, the sidewalks themselves, and road lines to lead the eye towards these photos.

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 22

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th

f-stop: 18

shutter speed: 1/20th