
What design and technical considerations are necessary for successful work with clay, and other sculpting materials?

To work with the plaster, I had to manipulate the material by soaking it in water, applying it evenly, and smoothing it out. I had to be cautious of the evenness of layers and be patient with the drying process. I created separate head pieces, and earpieces, both from foam board and wrapped in plaster. I worked in layers for the painting process, to ensure an even coverage. 

DESCRIBE/WRITE ABOUT your Artistic Intention-- what you researched, why you chose do create this project, what it means to you, etc.

I chose to create this project because, I love astrology and the moon, and I thought the color palette of midnight blue, bright yellow, and white would contrast well on the mask. I didn't do much research because stars and moons are things I usually doodle. I think this project came out well, but if I were to add something, I'd like to maybe give her eyebrows using the same dots I used on her cheeks.