The Man With The Golden Voice

1. What is the difference between a hard news lead (lede) and the one you read above?

2. What paragraph(s) did you learn the following information?

a. Who-2

b. What-3

c. Where-2

d. When-3

e. Why-2

f. How

3. Are there quotes in this story? Yes there are many quotes in this story.

4. Are those quotes arranged in the "quote-transiton" style we used in news writing? Yes but not in the style we use "quote-transition" style.

5. Who is quoted in the story? In this story a homeless man is quoted a lot of times and interviewer are quoted through talking with the man and people around.

6. What quote is the most powerful in the story, in your opinion? "were on pins and needles, I really think he has no idea how big this is going to be." I believe this because this has deep and powerful meaning and touches your heart because its changing a life.

7. How many paragraphs is the story? This story is 33 paragraphs.

8. How many words is the story (hint: you can copy and paste into Word and get a word count)? 758 words.

9. What is significant about the lead (lede) and the final paragraph of the story? The lead makes you think about the voice and makes you want to hear it.

10. Why do you think the writer did that with the lead (lede) and final paragraph? I think the writer did this to drag the reader into the voice and making you want to hear it and satisfaction after you hear the voice.

11. Was the story interesting to read? This story was very interesting and interesting to listen to someones story and how he ended up in his situation and how he got that voice.

12. When you finished the story, but BEFORE you watched the video, did you want to hear the voice? I wanted to hear the voice because it had been talked highly about.

13. Multimedia approaches are powerful tools, what impact did the video have when watched directly after reading the story? people could have hired the an for a radiostation or a voice actor.

14. Would the story have lost its impact without the video? No.

15. Did the writer try to come up with a way for you to hear the voice, i.e. did he try to describe the voice or give you a way to "hear" the voice without really hearing it? Yes, he tried to describe the voice and make you wonder about it.

16. How did the writer do that? The writer did this by adding sensory details and making you want to hear the voice.