Best Covers

Best Magazine Covers 2018

1.This cover of Wad uses the illusion of a model’s face torn in two to reveal another image of her face, perhaps trapped, perhaps empowered. Three eyes peer out at the potential consumer.

Critique: This cover is a illusion which captivates the reader. Its very eye appealing and makes the reader want to look inside. This is very good and smart to captivate the reader for more. Because of the allusion it maky take the reader away and not want to read more because of it being strange.

2.U/C – or Under/Current – freezes the movement of a dancer been thrown or caught by a group of other dancers. The movement is captured in the dynamic tension of the dancers’ outstretched limbs.

Critique: This cover is confusing about the topic and makes the reader wonder what they are advertising or showing. The moving of every figure in this cover and the figure being thrown adds a question motive on the cover and questions what is going on. This cover is also confusing so that may make the reader want to leave it and not want to look through it.

3.Soccer features a photo of a boy balancing a ball on his head. Shot from below, the photo enhances the presence of the boy and creates a vanishing point towards the top of the page.

Critique: This cover is represented with a angle from the bottom creating a vanishing point at the top of the page. This photo also brings back memories of playing when i was younger with a ball. Maybe this could for the reader with or without a history with sports but this photo makes you think about childhood.