Final Exam

This is rule of thirds because the main component is the car and is lined up with the intersection.

This is balancing elements because the cup is the main component and the other isnt as focused.

The leading line/Roof tiles are leading down to the main component of the picture the two people walking.

the symetry in this photo is the doors and how they are the same on each side creating a pattern.

the view point of the image as the tree grows to show how tall and broad the tree is.

The background captures the snowflake making the snowflake pop and stand out.

The depth in this photo is used to create and show how big the school is and the different levels of the school.

The framing in the pictures causes everything to look the same and the one item centered to stand out because its the only thing thats different.

This is cropping and creates the one closest to the camera to stand out because its attracting the eye because its so close.

This is experimental I wanted to show the beauty in the scenery and nature with the schools light in the back.