Journalism Project 

My biography

I am Austin Danaher. I am a freshman at Bowie high school. The sport i play is soccer and is my favorite sport. Soccer makes me very happy and I love to play with friends and family. I take all advanced classes and i take comp science which is VERY interesting. My favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi because he's very good on the ball and dribbles through almost anyone. I enjoy coming to school to see all my friends, and i love learning new things. I had a girlfriend named Olivia Centeno and she was an freshman, but we just broke up.

Why I chose this class

I chose this class because i thought journalism sounded very interesting and I heard from kids in the grades above me talk about the class and that its very fun and chill. I also chose this class because my brother said I would like it and if i had friends in the class i would really enjoy it.

The experience I have

I have no experience with journalism or media but I am very excited to learn with friends. This class and year is going to be very fun and I and willing to learn about everything. I hope to learn how to make newpapers and type better work and get higher quality work. i am very excited for this class and hope to move on to journalism 2.