The Dispatch Issue #1

2. Features- Wheels squeal as senior kicks up dust shows that track riding is a competitive sport wehre you have to know what your doing and be good at it to compete. This story suggests that you can have fun and compete in competitions. Joannaa Tebbs was mentioned in this story. "It was a lot of fun for him when he was younger, so he thought it would be cool if i got into it." Quote from Tebbs, I chose this quote because lots of people start doing things because their parents and i think this is a relatable quote and that other people will do this. The lead paragraph made me wonder what it was talking about making me read this story. The conclusion was a statement.

3. Entertainment or Reviews or Photo essay- A day in the life of a mountain biker shows the love and how Carson Baker became a mountain Biker. In this story Carson fell in love with mountain biking and doing it with friends. Carson Baker, Sid Caraway. "I love that I get to hang out with my friends, and we can go on long  rides around the neighborhood and around Austin, both on the roads and Trails." Quote from Carson baker, i chose this quote because it shows how he truly enjoys what he does and you can become creative and do what you want with whoever you want. The lead paragraph made me wonder what its like to be a mountain biker. the conclusion was a quote.

4.Sports- Jazzlyn Hepburn helps the Lady dawgs kill this season. Jazzlyn Hepburn has been leading in kills this season as a outside hitter and has high expectations for the year ahead. Jazzlyn was quoted in this story. The lead paragraph made me want to find out more. The conclusion was a quote.

5. Commentary-

6. Barbie-