Planning A CS Lesson

Student grouping

Flexible seating will be an important tool for planning a successful computer science lesson. Very few lessons will involve the teacher at the front of the classroom demonstrating or lecturing. Setting up stations throughout the classroom will allow students to better understand a concept through exploring, experimenting and examination of applications and devices. Teachers will need to have grouping, teams and pairs planned out ahead of time and integrate the procedures from the start.

frequent breaks

Time off screen can be just as valuable as time on screen. Frequent breaks allow time for students to reflect on what they are working on, fight screen fatigue and revisit a challenge. It is important to note that just because it is a break does not mean it cannot be productive. Students can take the opportunity for journal writing, storyboarding, drawing or providing feedback. It is also an opportunity for students to get up and move around.


With computer science comes new materials to consider for each lesson. Different types of devices require different procedures. Teachers need to make sure the appropriate applications and software have been installed and updated. Student usernames and passwords should be readily available for teachers to access in a central location. Unplugged activities often use common classroom materials that should be organized and mobile. Finally, new projects such as physical computing and robotics often have small intricate pieces. Teachers will need to teach students a procedure for keeping track of inventory.

making connections

Computer science is not meant to be taught as a stand-alone content area. Using practices like problem based learning and project based learning, teachers can plan lessons that integrate language arts, mathematics, social studies and science. Students can create projects such as digital stories, games, animations and simulations that not only demonstrate a proficiency in computer science but also reflect a deeper understanding in other content areas. Computer science also allows teachers to integrate elements of the arts through the design process and even physical education through unplugged activities.

Planning the CS Lesson