Pear Deck

What is Pear Deck?

(Info from EdSurge) Pear Deck is an interactive presentation tool used to actively engage students in individual and social learning. Teachers create presentations using their Google Drive account. Students log into the presentation with unique access codes and interact with questions while teachers monitor student and whole-class progress. Pear Deck is a freemium service; teachers and schools can access a wide array of tools and resources for free or opt to subscribe to a premium account.

Teachers can use Pear Deck to create interactive presentations that allow students to work independently to respond to various questions throughout the ‘deck’. Each Pear Deck presentation begins with an access code presented on the screen. Students are prompted to enter the Pear Deck website and plug in their unique access code. During each session, teachers can see the presentation as well as the students participating. Student responses appear on the teacher screen in real-time. Teachers have the option to lock student screens to prevent them from changing their answers.

Pear Deck also lets teachers determine when and what responses to share with the whole class via the main presentation screen. Teachers can highlight a specific student response, toggle between responses, or in some instances share all student responses. Student responses are anonymous to everyone except the original responder and the teacher. During the presentation, teachers can backtrack to previous slides and add impromptu questions.

Pear Deck lets teachers build interactive decks from their computer or tablet. Teachers sign in to Pear Deck with their Google login where they’ll find Pear Deck materials available in their Google Drive. Pear Deck presentations are created in Google Drive and save just like Google Docs; thus they can be organized and shared with other Google users.

Formative Assessment 6 ways:

  • Text let students write a long or short text response

  • Web give students a website to explore

  • Draggable have students drag a dot, pin, or other marker.

  • Drawing give students a canvas, a set of drawing tools, and unleash their creativity

  • Multiple Choice quickly assess students' understanding

  • Number get numbers only response to a question and see the range of students' answers