Seesaw: Families

For Students to log in to work from home:

  • Go to (website) OR install or update the Seesaw CLASS app (tablets or cell phone)

    • *Home learning codes only work with an updated version of the Class app

  • Choose I’m a Student

  • Enter their specific home learning text code (with spaces)

Families will receive their code via email for their home login to Seesaw.

Remote Learning, directions from Seesaw:

Most asked question: How do I log out so another child can log into Seesaw?

Seesaw Posting options

Once the student is logged into (website) OR the Seesaw CLASS app

1. Tap the green add button, then tap 'Post to student journal'.

2. Choose the type of post you'd like to add.

Post to student journal.

  • Photo: take a picture

  • Drawing: create a drawing to post

  • Video: record a video

  • Upload: post files (images, videos, documents) that are saved to your device.

  • Note: text only

  • Link: post a link to a web address

3. Create your post. Edit your post to add voice recordings, drawings, text labels, or captions.

4. Tap the green checkmark to complete your post!

1. Tap the Activities tab.

2. Tap the green +Add Response button.

3. Select a Creative Tool for the activity. Students can listen to an audio recording of instructions in this view, as well as during the creation and editing of the activity.

4. Create the post, then tap the green check.

5. Edit the post to add voice recordings, drawings, text labels, or captions. Tap the green check.

Student responses to activities will appear in the student journal. Teachers can also access all student responses from the Activities tab. Families will be able to see student activity responses from their child only.