
24th May 2024


National: Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week:

Infant School: 92%

Junior School: 95%

Our School Winners are 2O (98%) and 3S (99%)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Saturday, I had the honour of coaching the girls netball team at the Umbrella Trust Tournament. The write up is is below, but I wanted to say that the team's performance brought joy to my heart and reminded me of why I loved the sport so much. To have developed young ladies with strength of character and kindness demonstrates what St. Joseph's is all about and why our children truly shine. Well done to them all, their secondary schools will be blessed to have them.

Thanks to those of you who gave us feedback about our new newsletter. It is very encouraging, especially when we are all working hard to make St Joseph's the best it can be. Please note the change to the Sports Day date, an email was sent out yesterday. It is now on Wednesday 4th July. A letter will be sent out nearer to the time with details for events that need it.

A reminder if you have a query or issue please contact your child's class teacher or the office in the first instance. Emailing the Headteacher inbox is not productive as it receives over 1000 emails a day, mostly spam. Checking this every day would be unproductive and take up the majority of the school day. I prefer to be present throughout the school, supporting the team to deliver excellent lessons and ensuring your children are receiving a high quality, nurturing education. If you have sent an email to the headteacher mail box and I have missed it, please forward it to the office who will bring our enquiry to my attention, if they cannot answer it themselves. I welcome your support in this matter.

Our Marian Procession and Service was the perfect way to end a term filled with hard work and wonderful memories. As a Federation we have a lot to be proud of and are making great gains to enhance the educational provision and experience of our children. The children's singing was heartwarming and uplifting. They showed reverence throughout the service and it was a testament to how we live our faith at St. Joseph's. We did a procession remembering Our Mother Mary and all she does for us. The sun shone on Mary as the Y2s crowned her and we laid gifts of flowers for her.

This morning was truly touching and I was delighted that so many parents and family members were able to join in our celebration today. I would like to extend a special thanks to our Prayer Leader and Mrs Phillips who did a great job leading the service and Mr. Teles and all staff who helped make it a success. To extend our love to others and spread joy in our Community, all of the flowers from this mornings service will be donated to Beulah Vista Carehome, signifying our Catholic Social Teaching in action. Thank you all for your contributions because of your support every child laid a flower.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful half term holiday,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team



We know that this year has been tough for many. Worrying world events and the resulting instability and uncertainty have sometimes felt overwhelming. In addition, the cost of living crisis has hit families hard, and as a parent or carer, you may be worried about the school holidays and how to manage them.

With this in mind, here are some tips to help you make the holidays as enjoyable as possible, despite the current challenges.

Connect to what is important to you as a family

With the cost of living crisis, there may be some family rituals and routines that will not be possible this year. It’s ok to talk to your children about this and to manage their expectations about treats, outings and gifts.

Talk to them about their favourite things about holidays. Sharing memories will help you get in touch with what makes time together as a family feel special. You might be surprised that your children may value the simple things, such as just spending time with you, and not only the big days out or expensive treats.

Be creative

Being at home over the holidays could be an opportunity to find a new creative outlet. Being creative is a great way for children and adults to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas, as well as being fun! You could get creative through cooking, art, junk modelling, dance, or any activities that make you and your children feel good. Taking pictures of what you see when you are out and about is also a fun thing to do. We would love it if you would like to share pictures of anything interesting you found, whether it is a building you liked, the park, some flowers, your family or your friends (please ask their permission first).

Get out and about

Fresh air, natural light and exercise can have a positive effect on our mental health. Plan some family time outside – daily, if possible. This could be a walk, going out on bikes or a trip to a park. A simple change in scenery can help improve your mood.

Resist the pressure to entertain your children 24/7

It can be very difficult to hear “I’m bored!” from your children time and again during the holidays. However, when they say this, don’t feel the need to immediately organise something to help keep them entertained. Whilst you can help your children think about what they might do to change the situation (such as arrange to see a friend), they need to learn to tolerate their full range of emotions, including feeling bored from time to time. Occasional boredom may even spark some creativity in your children!

Take time to reflect

Holidays are a great time to reflect. It can be comforting to try and find positives, no matter how small, and celebrate them with your children. Why not have a go at making a display of photos or drawings of your family’s highlights from the past year or school term, and stick it on the fridge door? 

Further information

The Anna Freud Foundation has further tips and information on their website below.

Early Years

This term's Reception have been learning all about Traditional Tales. In English we have been sharing some exciting Traditional Tales with a twist which has provided opportunities for the children to explore similarities and differences within familiar stories. In our Understanding the World lessons we have focused on The Gingerbread Man. The children have been exploring materials that are waterproof to help them make a boat to save the gingerbread and this week the children had the opportunity to make gingerbread biscuits to celebrate all their learning this term. We spoke about the ingredient we used and had a try at mixing, shaping and decorating a gingerbread biscuit. Let's hope our gingerbread people don't run away! 

Key Stage 1

In Year 2, we spent an afternoon learning about the importance of teamwork. We learnt about the different skills we need to be a good team member.

We know we need to be a good listener, communicate well, be willing to help others, show respect and celebrate each others success.

To help us understand, we had a fantastic time working in teams to build structures using only paper straws and blue tac. 

Key Stage 2

Year 3 have been studying The Greek Myth, Theseus and the Minotaur in English, and have created imaginative sentences containing lots of adjectives, onomatopoeia and similes as they explored the relationship between Theseus and the other characters in the Myth.

Year 4 have been using their cross curricular knowledge to write a factual information text about the Water cycle and have been describing a waterdrop’s journey through the cycle. We also started our new book ‘Float’. For our experience day, we made paper boats.

Year 5 have been conducting a range of science experiements. This week they looked at dissolving sugar. I wonder what they noticed.

Year 6, we have been preparing for their writing assessment. The pupils finished their report on Shakespeare and have been preparing for their auditions for our end of year play. In Art the children used clay to create Maya inspired slabs, and Kandinksy inspired paintings.

Curriculum Focus


After our wonderful Lenten and Easter celebrations, we have continued this half term to celebrate Mary - her role in the life of Jesus, and her role in our lives. We have had regular Rosary sessions during this month, where we celebrate the Joyful Mysteries and also remember the roles that mothers play in all our lives.

We finished an excellent half term with our annual Marian procession this morning. Thank you to all the parents that joined us and for all the donations of flowers that the children rought in. The flowers will be donated to the residents at Beulah Vista Care Home.

Next half term, we are looking forward to the Year 3 First Communion Mass, celebrating St Peter's and St Paul's holy day of obligation along with our end of year mass and our Year 6 leavers mass. We look forward to seeing you at these events.


We are proud of all the excellent progress the children have shown in maths this year. We have introduced a range of new, high-quality resources across the school, which children have been using in lessons to support their learning and demonstrate their mathematical thinking. At St. Joseph’s, children have the opportunity to apply their maths skills and knowledge in a range of subjects, including science. We hope they enjoy the activities planned for the upcoming Science week (dates tbc).


Year 6 have done the school proud with their attitude and determination in their maths SATs (as well as other subjects). No matter the results, we know you did your absolute best! Other upcoming national events are the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check and KS1 tests. In Year 4, children have been practicing rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12X12. As some of the children are quicker than adults at this, we know they will do well. In addition, eight children form year 6, will be chosen to represent the school in the annual Maths Quiz Club, hosted by St. Thomas Becket Primary, on 6th June.


In order to support your child further in maths at home, there are a range of activities and games that you can do to build confidence and improve fluency. Times table practice is always useful and there are songs and activities available online to support this (see links below). When out shopping, why not try asking children to read, compare or even add amounts of money? At home, ask your child to read and order different measures on various packaging (g, kg, ml and l). As well as this, practice concepts such as telling the time; even counting, comparing and doing calculation with objects in everyday life. Remember there are also plenty of maths games on Purple Mash and Busy Things to help support your child further.


Useful links 


Number blocks:

Times table song example 3 times table:

Purple Mash:

Busy Things:

Sporting News

On Saturday, Mrs. Ashley and Mr. Abrahams accompanied our football and netball teams to Margaret Roper for the Annual Catholic Schools Tournament!

The netball team performed absolutely brilliantly in the tournament. It was their first time playing competitively as a team and this did not stop them from securing a win and two draws in the group round. They finished second and made it to the semi finals. They played bravely against the other group's winners and Cherifa's superb defensive skills gave the opponents a lot to think about. They had us all cheering them on until the very end and the team, captained by Cara, made us all very proud. 

The competition was fierce. Even though the boys  did not to qualify for the quarter finals, they played some great football and represented St. Joseph's well. Both teams did the school incredibly proud and we are grateful to all the families that came to support. 

On Wednesday, children from Y5 and Y6 represented the school at the Catholic School's Swimming Gala which was held at Trinity this year. The squad was made up of the strongest swimmers noticed in our swimming lessons. We are glad that the children had an opportunity to demonstrate their swimming capabilities in a competitive arena. Well done to all the children who took part in the Swimming Gala! You performed well.

Happy Birthday!

Everyone at St. Joseph's wishes you the happiest of birthdays.

Nursery:  Abdul, Lily Reception: Kimya Y1: Enrique

Y2: Klaus Y3 : Micaela, Noah Y4: Sulyana, Sebastian

Y5: Ayelen Y6: Ariana, Amanuel, Paris

Staff: : Mrs Allery  and Mrs Adkin who turned 60 earlier this month!


Come and join us for our annual Colour Run!

Supporting you to support your child's emotional wellbeing.

See dates of workshops above.

Key Dates

Friday 24th May - Marian Procession on the field. Parents/Carers welcome (Crowning Mary with flowers)

End of Term- 24th May

Monday 3rd June - Early Reading Parent Workshop YR, Y1 & Y2 (9.15 - 9.45am)

Wednesday 5th June - PGL/RSE meetings for Y6 parents (9.15am and 5.30pm)

Monday 10th June- Friday 14th June- Phonics Screening Check & Y4 Multiplication Test

Friday 14th June - Umbrella Trust Cross Country Competition

Monday 17th- Friday 21st June- KS1 SATs Week

Monday 17th- Friday 21st June - Science Week and Assessment Week

Wednesday, 19th June -Reception visit to Virgo (afternoon) 

Wednesday 3rd July Sports Day AM Infant School, PM Junior School

Saturday 6th July- Colour Run

Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th July - PGL for Y6

Friday 12th  July- Reception Trip to Norwood Park 

Friday 12th July - Y6 Thames River Cruise

Wednesday 17th July - End of year leavers mass at Virgo (2pm)

Thursday 18th July - Y6 performance for parents (9.30am 6pm)

Friday 19th July- Y6 Leavers Celebration

Friday 19th July Transition Morning (N-Y5)

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend

The St. Joseph's Team