
21st June 2024


National: Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week: 93%

Infant School: 91.75

Junior School: 94.2%

Our School Winners are 2O (96%) and 6H(97.62%)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have been working hard completing their end of year assessments. We use these to capture their learning and progress and inform us of the next steps for your child's learning. The KS1 children also competed the SATs tests. They focused really hard and did a great job- well done everyone. You will receive information about your child's attainment in their end of year reports.

Science got off to a great start as the children participated in a fantastic interactive workshop. Throughout the week they have been carrying out investigations and developing their understanding of the world. Throughout the Federation children did a spaghetti investigation. I am looking forward to hearing about what they learned. Thanks to Mrs Steen-Plomer and all the teachers for all their hard work, raising the profile of STEM and bring learning to life for the children.

This week children across the Juniors have been participating in the Croydon Schools Athletics Competition. Many of our children got through to the final of the Croydon Schools Athletics which is after school today! We are so proud of all our our children who took part and wish our finalists the best of luck. If you want to go after school to cheer them on, it's at Croydon Sports Arena!

In Preparation for the 2025 'Pilgrims of Hope' Jubilee, Pope Francis has designated 2024 as the Year of Prayer. This year we have created an overview of prayers for each phase that the children should know and say. We will be making this accessible to parents too. We have also been adding in reflection and meditation time to strengthen our prayer culture.

As you know we actively seek your feedback and partnership in making your child's educational journey the best it can be. 

We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete our Parent/Carers voice survey. 

We hope you and your families enjoy a weekend in the sunshine,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team


The summer weather has finally arrived! It is especially important for us all to stay hydrated in warmer weather, so please ensure that you send your child into school with a bottle of plain water (labelled with the child's name).  The children are always encouraged to top up their water throughout the day so do not worry if they run out. Children should also come in with sun cream applied and a school summer hat in order to prevent sunburn. Let's all keep well  and  enjoy the sunshine!

Early Years

The nursery has been busy this week learning about vegetables and how they are good and healthy. The children helped to harvest the vegetables that we have been growing in the nursery garden, carrots, potatoes, radishes, broccoli and courgettes. They chopped the vegetables carefully and we made a lovely vegetable soup. It was delicious.

Key Stage 1

This week we celebrated Science Week with a series of exciting activities! Our special guest was a brilliant scientist who wowed us with a cool robot demonstration and taught us how to make amazing paper airplanes. The children were inspired and wrote heartfelt letters to Parliament and King Charles, sharing why they love science. To top it all off, we had a blast creating spaghetti towers using tape and marshmallows. It was a week filled with discovery, creativity, and fun!

A big congratulations to Year 2 for completing their SATS this week! We are incredibly proud for all of your hard work and dedication throughout the year. Your efforts and smiles bring so much joy !

Lower Key Stage 2

Science Week was a fantastic success! We were thrilled to have a scientist and inventor visit us and share his innovative knowledge and inventions. 

A highlight was the exciting competition to build the tallest structure out of spaghetti and masking tape. Students showed incredible creativity and teamwork during the tough task.

Science Week ignited a passion for scientific and collaborative thinking among our students, spurring the children to write powerful letters about the importance of science to King Charles III. We cannot wait for next years events!

Upper Key Stage 2

This week, Year 5 have been busy and excited conducting assessment week, giving students the opportunity to showcase their knowledge across various subjects. Additionally, it was also Science Week which was filled with engaging challenges in class like building a tower out of dried spaghetti.

In Geography, we continued our exploration of population change, delving into how different factors influence population dynamics. For our reading sessions, we are reading and answering questions on 'The Silver Sword', immersing ourselves further into this captivating story. In grammar, we focused on understanding and crafting concise noun phrases, enhancing our writing skills. Finally, our PE lessons have been energetic and fun focussing on playing netball.

In R.E. we discussed and looked at the similarities and differences between Christianity and Sikhism. We used trusted websites for research and created informative posters in our books. 

Curriculum Focus


There have been a lot of creative activities within the infant school over the last few weeks. Reception have been using their knowledge of waterproof materials to create boats. They used a range of junk modelling materials to carefully designed and make their boats. Every single boat floated which was such a joyful achievement for everyone. 

Year 1 have been learning to create paper-based 3D art forms, focusing on the technique of rolling, shaping paper strips and constructing imaginative 3D sculptures. All the children's work has been colourful, imaginative and exciting, they have created a beautiful art display within their classrooms for all to enjoy. 

This term, Year 2 have been getting very messy using clay. They have been exploring the work of Ranti Bam, a British-Nigerian artist, know for her vibrant patterns and  joining large, flat pieces of clay. Inspired by her art, the children decided to create their own pots using a pinching technique. They carefully used their thumbs and fingers to form even sides around their pots. To decorate, they attached new pieces of clay to the side. Next week they will be designing and creating tiles... watch this space! 




This week, our Year 2 and 3 children had a wonderful opportunity to take part in the Panathlon. This is an exciting event designed to give all children a chance to engage in fun, inclusive sports activities. The Panathlon included a variety of challenges that encouraged teamwork, determination and a love for physical activity. The session was fantastic and the children had an unforgettable and enriching experience.

Croydon Athletics

This week, our students had the exciting opportunity to participate in the Croydon Schools Athletics at The Croydon Sports Arena. The boys competed Monday 17th June and the girls on Wednesday 19th June. We are proud to announce that seven of our students qualified for the finals: Nathanael Year 3, Ezekiel and Melina Year 4, Jake and Emmanuel Year 5 and Michael N. and Sophia I.  Year 6. You will find out how they did in next week’s newsletter. A big thank you to all of the parents and carers who came to support our young athletes and once again a huge thank you to Mrs. Burgess for her incredible efforts. Congratulations to all of our young athletes!

Happy Birthday!

Everyone at St. Joseph's wishes you the happiest of birthdays.

Year 1: JJ (Israel) and Ailbe Yr 4: Sophia O     Yr 5: Florence    Yr 6: Sophia I

Staff: Ms Almieda, Miss B, Ms Matharu and Mr McEvoy


Come and join us for our annual Colour Run!

Supporting you to support your child's emotional wellbeing.

See dates of workshops above.

Save 50% on you first swimming lesson!

Key Dates

Friday, 28th June - 2J Class Assembly.

Friday 28th June - St Peter and St Paul Mass, Junior School (2pm)

Wednesday 3rd July Sports Day AM Infant School, PM Junior School

Thursday 4th July- Polling Day- School closed to pupils unless child is selected for special sport event

Friday 5th July- 2O Class Assembly. 

Saturday 6th July- Colour Run

Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th July - PGL for Y6

Friday 12th  July- Reception Trip to Norwood Park 

Friday 12th July - Y6 Thames River Cruise

Tuesday 16th July- Reception Class Assembly 9.15am 

Wednesday 17th July - End of Year Thanksgiving Mass at Virgo Fidelis (2pm) Family and Friends of the school welcome

Thursday 18th July - Y6 performance for parents (9.30am 6pm)

Friday 19th July- Y6 Leavers Celebration (After school)

Friday 19th July - Year 2 Celebration Assembly

Friday 19th July- Transition Morning (N-Y5)

Friday 19th July-  End of year class parties pm

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall, 5.30pm

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend

The St. Joseph's Team