
12th July 2024


National: Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week: 92.4%

Infant School: 91

Junior School: 94 %

Our School Winners are 2O (97.2%) and 4J (96%)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our Y6 children enjoyed their end of year trip to PGL this week. The rain didn't stop us having fun! We had a great time together, ziplining, doing challenges, and having lots of outdoor learning experiences. I was glad that I was able to go on some of the trip and share this special time with them. They had so much fun and the indoor camp fire was a different  and memorable experience. Y6 ended there their week with a boat trip on the Thames.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, West End in schools did their promotional recording at our Federation! Thanks Miss Bickmore for all your hard work organising this. We are delighted that we are their schools of choice; given our children’s engagement and behaviour during World book week where we organised for our children to have a Midsummer’s Nights Dream workshops.

We can’t wait to see what they created.


The Junior had the sports experience days this week. External coaches exposed our children to a wide range of sports to develop their skills further.


Reception enjoyed a wonderful trip to Norwood Park. They had lots of fun and enjoyed our local area. Thanks to all the parents who helped make their trip a success.


With sadness, I am sharing that Mrs Tope’s Dad suddenly passed away this week. We are a very close staff team- a school family and so our hearts are grieving with Mrs Tope and her family too. Mrs Tope and her family have experienced significant loss this year. Please join us in praying for them all. That God strengthens them and that they find comfort from the memories they shared and in knowing that so many people are sending love and prayers to uplift them.


Please pray also for Mrs Clements and her family, her husband’s funeral is next Friday and we pray that it all goes well and is a celebration and reflection of his well lived life. He is very much missed.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Annual Colour Run on Sunday at 2pm. I will be in attendance with my family after Church.

We hope you and your families enjoy a weekend in the sunshine,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team


Road safety for seven to 11 year olds

At seven years old, your child might still hold your hand as you walk them to school - a few years later your child may be going to school without you. It's important to know ways your child can be independent while staying safe on the roads.

Knowing the Green Cross Code

Children should not go out alone until they are old enough to know the Green Cross Code and use it properly. The age is different for all children but it is generally not before they are eight years old. 

To follow the code, they must:

When walking along the road

Walking is healthier than going by car, but your child can't always see what you can see and drivers can't always see your child, where they can see you. You could teach your child to:

When you are out and about

Always be sure to:

Road Safety For Primary Children 

Using crossings

Teach your child to:

As a parent or child's guardian, you have responsibilities for their safety.

Early Years

Reception had a very enjoyable trip to Norwood Park this week, where they were able to practise some of our investigation and observation skills we have be using within Forest school. We explored the park finding minibeast, identifying trees and drawing the London skyline. We all enjoyed having a our lunch al fresco and playing in the park to celebrate a very successful first year in school. 

Key Stage 1

Our Year 2 students are excitedly writing letters to King Charles, sharing stories about their lives at St Joseph's and the wonderful activities they do with their families. We’re sending these letters next week, so let’s hope for a response from the King! In Maths, we’ve started a new topic on Measurement. The students have been busy measuring various items around the school in centimeters and meters. Next week, we'll be exploring the concept of mass.

Lower Key Stage 2

This week in year 3 we have been continuing to enjoy our music lessons, learning to play different melodies on the ukulele. We have also enjoyed English where we have started a new book focus on the incredible book eating boy! On Tuesday, we were glad to attend the first Holy Communion Mass that celebrated all of those who had made this sacrament, congratulations to all of you. As well as this, we thoroughly enjoyed sports day, it was so much fun and as one of the members of class 3S said: " it doesn't matter who wins, as long as you have fun." A true testament to the caring and wonderful nature of the children at our school. We may be tired as we approach the end of year, but we will still try our very best before we move on to our next year of education. 

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5 were very lucky to be given the opportunity to watch cricket at The Oval this week. It was an action packed game and after having had cricket coaching earlier in the term, the children were thrilled to see a game in progress at such a prestigious venue. It was inspiring and prompted much discussion about the rules of the game. Dark clouds were overhead and we were worried that we might be rained off, but it remained dry for the time we were there. 

The whole school also celebrated their love of sports this week with the annual School Games Day. It was a fantastic event and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was so uplifting to see their enthusiasm and encouragement of each other as they competed in all of the races. A lovely day was had by all. A big thank you to Mr Abrahams, the Year 6 leaders and the past pupils from Bishop Thomas Grant for coming to support us.

Curriculum Focus


At St Joseph's, we are dedicated to nurturing the holistic development of our students, aligning with our Catholic ethos and the belief in Imago Dei—the idea that every person is made in the image of God. This term, our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education has focused on helping children explore self-regulation techniques and understand their feelings, fostering an environment where they can express themselves confidently and compassionately.

Key Stage 1 (KS1)

Our youngest learners have been immersed in activities designed to help them recognize and appreciate the different communities they are part of. They have been identifying members of their home, school, and church communities, and learning about the roles of trusted adults in their lives. This foundation helps them understand the importance of community and support systems, reflecting our commitment to nurturing caring and connected individuals.

Key Stage 2 (KS2)

For our older students, the focus has been on the Zones of Regulation—a framework that helps children categorize their emotions into different zones and equips them with strategies to manage these feelings effectively. They have been learning advanced communication techniques to express their emotions and thoughts clearly and respectfully. This ongoing exploration is crucial in developing their emotional intelligence and fostering healthy, supportive relationships.



Infant Catholic Sports Day: A Shining Example of Our School Spirit

A huge well done to all the children involved in the Infant Catholic Sports Day. They all performed brilliantly, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in every event. Each child's enthusiasm and effort were evident as they gave their best, making us all proud. Their hard work and dedication truly shone through, reflecting the values and spirit of our school. I would like to make a special shout out to Harper and King in Year 1, who came third in their Year 1 individual 'Hurdles' event. 

Thank you to the parents for their support and for ensuring the children made it to the event, especially on a polling day. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.

Special thanks to Mrs. Ritzi and Madame Luri for their invaluable support on the day. Additionally, a big thank you to Hallee, Marcos and Gabriel from the Juniors, who were a tremendous help throughout the event.

Well done to everyone for making the day a great success!

Happy Birthday!

Everyone at St. Joseph's wishes you the happiest of birthdays.

       Nursery: Ceon, Kidus and Rhema      Yr 2: Sarai, Demari and Ashira Rose   

 Yr 4: Rubio, Davina and Bentley 

                                                                            Yr 6: Josiah

                                                                        Staff: Ms Arthur


Come and join us for our annual Colour Run!

Save 50% on you first swimming lesson!

Key Dates

Saturday 14th July- Colour Run

Tuesday 16th July- Reception Class Assembly 9.15am 

Wednesday 17th July - End of Year Thanksgiving Mass at Virgo Fidelis (2pm) Family and Friends of the school welcome

Thursday 18th July - Y6 performance for parents (9.30am 6pm)

Friday 19th July- Y6 Leavers Celebration (After school)

Friday 19th July - Year 2 Celebration Assembly

Friday 19th July- Transition Morning (N-Y5)

Friday 19th July-  End of year class parties pm, Own clothes day

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall, 5.30pm

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend

The St. Joseph's Team