
19th July 2024


National: Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week: 91%

Infant School: 90%  % 

Junior School: 92% %

Our School Winners are 2O  (98%%) and  6P(96%)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been a fabulous final full week at St. Joseph's! 

On Monday the Y5 and Y6s had Knife Crime workshops and awareness assemblies. This will help our children to stay safe in the local community and prepare them for travelling safely alone.

The Y6s also had first aid training organised by the PTA! We are so grateful to them for all their ongoing support and commitment to the school. The PTA's Annual Colour Run on Sunday was a huge success and it was great to see so many of you and your families turn out to enjoy the festivities. Thank you to Shanine and Natalie for organising the event and everyone who helped them.

On Wednesday, we had our end of year Thanksgiving Mass and Father James reminded us to be grateful for the gifts and blessings God has given to us. I thanked the children and the team for giving and doing their best this year. Mrs Phillips organised a wonderful Mass for us all and JoJo, Cherifa, Paul and Peter served with reverence for their last time as pupils of St. Joseph's! Our Head boy JoJo and Head girl Alicia and Deputy Head girl Malikah all said the readings and Y6 leaders said heartfelt bidding prayers. Thank you to all the parents who joined us in worship.

The whole school watched the Y6's perform The Lion King! It was great to see the children showcase their creative talents and what can be achieved through collaboration and hard work. The show yesterday evening brought many of us to tears as they sang The Circle of Life, reminding us of their journey at St. Joseph's. Our Y6s have been amazing and are ready to move on and into the world as conscientious young people.

Reception and Year 2 did fabulous assemblies for us all to enjoy and celebrate their learning. They demonstrated how they have grown throughout the year and all the fun learning opportunities they have had. Both performances showcased what St. Joseph's is all about and the children's delivery was high class. They brought joy to our hearts as they sang together and tears of pride could be witnessed in the hall. Well done to all the children and the team... you were sensational!

Today the children transitioned so well and this morning went seamlessly. The children spent time with their new teachers in their new class and said that they enjoyed themselves. We have had to make changes to some classes to ensure that all children have a positive educational experience. A lot of thought and effort has gone into planning this from children, teachers and leaders.

Year 6 enjoyed their leavers' party this afternoon. It was great to see them so happy and enjoying the festivities and water fight! Thanks to Mel (Luca's mum) and all the parents for organising. It was great to see all the parents come together to ensure that they have a wonderful send off. The year book and the hoodies are truly wonderful and I know the children will still cherish these in years to come.

Thanks to all our work experience students this week! We have enjoyed welcoming you into the school community and wish you a wonderful summer.

We hope you and your families enjoy a weekend in the sunshine,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team

Early Years

There have been a lot of mixed emotions within Reception this week. They performed an amazing end of year assembly with many tears from teachers and parents as they have all grown and matured since September. There has also been a lot of happiness and excitement for Year 1. The children met their new teachers and explored their classrooms, which they couldn't stop talking about! The whole Reception team send a huge wave, a few tears and best wishes to all children. We have laughed, learnt, explored and grown into a wonderful St Joseph's family. We really look forward to seeing you all in Year 1!  

Key Stage 1

This week, KS1 children experienced a series of joyful activities, embodying our school motto, "Together we can, with Christ by our side." On Wednesday, they gathered for the end-of-year mass at Virgo Fidelis, celebrating in a serene and holy atmosphere. This sacred event reminded us of the strength and unity found in our faith and each other. The children were enthralled by the Year 6 production of "The Lion King," a captivating performance rated as a must-watch of the year. The talent and enthusiasm of the Year 6 students left a lasting impression. Year 2 had an emotional moment during their leavers' assembly with a touching rendition of "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield, filling the hall with heartfelt emotions. It was a beautiful farewell, showcasing their growth and achievements. The week concluded with joyous class parties, where children enjoyed snacks and danced to their favorite tunes, sharing laughter and fun.

Lower Key Stage 2

Year 3 have had a very busy week. As well as writing their own play scripts based on the Incredible book eating boy, they also enjoyed watching the year 2 farewell assembly and met their new teachers in preparation for their move into year 4 next year. It has been a wonderful year and the children were very excited to start the next chapter of their education. They completed an activity, writing their aspirations, hopes and dreams for year 4 on leaves to be part of a 'dreams trees' which will be in their new classroom in September.  

Upper Key Stage 2

Additionally, our class played our first games of netball this week, and it was fantastic to see the children enjoy themselves and demonstrate great teamwork. We also had our End of Term Mass, a special time for reflection and celebration of our achievements this term.

Our children have been delving into creative writing by crafting their own versions of "Rose Blanche" in Literacy. In Mathematics, they've been mastering negative numbers and learning to convert units, showing impressive understanding and enthusiasm. Science lessons have been exciting as pupils planned their own experiments to investigate factors affecting crater sizes. Reading sessions continue to be engaging with "The Silver Sword," sparking thoughtful discussions among the children.

We would like to extend a big thank you to our brilliant helpers, David and Bobbi-Rose, for their dedication and hard work. Your support has been greatly appreciated by both staff and pupils. Thank you for being such invaluable members of our school community.

Curriculum Focus


Sports Day: A Triumph Over the Weather!

Despite the weather's attempts to dampen our spirits, Sports Day turned out to be an amazing day filled with excitement and joy. The children demonstrated incredible determination and sportsmanship, making the event truly memorable.

The day was a great joy for everyone involved. Laughter and cheers filled the air as students participated in various events, showcasing their talents and enthusiasm. The sense of camaraderie and friendly competition made it a special occasion that will be cherished by all.

A huge thank you to all the teachers for their efforts in ensuring the smooth running of both the Infants and Junior events. Special thanks to the Year 6 Sports Leaders for their invaluable help with the Infants and to the BTG student helpers for their support during the Junior event. We are also grateful for the unwavering support of the parents and carers, whose encouragement made a big difference.

A big congratulations to St Sebastian (Blue Team) for their outstanding performance, winning both the Infants and Junior events and emerging as the overall winners.

Well done to everyone involved!

Mr Abrahams


On Monday, we had an informative workshop on knife crime, which provided valuable insights into safety and awareness. Thanks to Mrs Longford-Jackson for organising.

Year 6 performed a great version of the Lion King. Many future stars that have been hiding behind their books all year. It's been a great way to end the year. A big thank you to all staff and parents who have supported them this year.

Happy Birthday!

Everyone at St. Joseph's wishes you the happiest of birthdays.

Y1: Katie, Sophia S      Yr 2: Joshua, Gelila, Hugo and Delisabel

Yr 4: Zane and Sophia O Year 5: Florence Yr 6: Alisha and Sophia I

   Staff: Ms Johnson


Save 50% on you first swimming lesson!

Key Dates

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall, 5.30pm

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm

Wednesday 4th September- Children return to school

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend

The St. Joseph's Team